This year, Ikatan Wanita Keluarga Universitas Indonesia (IWK UI) and IWK Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) UI provided aids to the children of Fasilkom UI’s employees in a form of scholarships for elementary, middle school, and high school or vocational school students. The scholarship awarding ceremony of IWK UI was held on August 21, 2015...Read More
Knowledge management is an effort to utilize information and the available technology within an organization effectively and efficiently. One of the many sectors that require knowledge management is the health sector. A good knowledge management in health industry will help to improve patients’ security, diagnoses accuracy, and healthcare quality, as well as reducing health costs...Read More
Senin, 6 Juli 2015, Fasilkom UI menyelenggarakan sidang promosi Doktor Ilmu Komputer kepada Sofian Lusa. Sidang promosi dilaksanakan di ruang AULA Fasilkom UI dengan judul disertasi “Social Technical Model Penerapan Knowledge Sharing di Komunitas Digital Perusahaan”. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya kegagalan dalam penerapan knowledge management, khususnya praktik knowledge sharing di dalam komunitas perusahaan. Hal...Read More
Fasilkom UI held a session of Computer Science doctorate conferment for Imam Marzuki Shofi on Monday, July 6, 2015. The session was held in Fasilkom UI Auditorium for a dissertation defense, with the dissertation titled “Metode Analisa Pra-syarat Perangkat Lunak Berorientasi Sasaran Berdasarkan Dokumen Regulasi” (Goal Oriented Software Requirement Analysis Method Based on Regulation Documents)....Read More
On June 26, 2015, Fasilkom UI held an open session for a Computer Science doctorate conferment for Santi Indarjani. The session was held in Room 1213 Building A, Fasilkom UI. The presented dissertation was “Efek Serangan Penyisipan dan Modifikasi pada Pseudorandom Number Generator Berdasarkan Studi Empiris dan Teoritis” (Effects of Modification and Insertion Attacks on...Read More
On Monday, June 29, 2015, The Faculty of Computer Science UI held an open session for Computer Science doctorate conferment for Devi Fitrianah. The session, which was held in Fasilkom UI Auditorium, was done to examine Devi’s dissertation: “Algoritma Clustering Spatio-Temporal Berbasis Density-Cube (IMSTAGRID) dan Aplikasinya dalam Identifikasi Area Potensial Penangkapan Ikan Tuna di Perairan...Read More
Traffic jam is one of Indonesia’s major problems. Road users need actual and complete information to monitor, predict, and avoid traffic jam. However, the country has not yet succeeded to systematically gather traffic data and make it applicable. One way to gather data systematically is by using smartphone with GPS as traffic sensor. This method...Read More
On Wednesday, June 24, 2015, Fasilkom UI held an open session for a Computer Science doctorate conferment for Gerry Firmansyah. The session, which was held in Fasilkom Auditorium, was led by Mirna Adriani, Ph.D. with Prof. Zainal A. Hasibuan as the promoter and Yudho Giri Sucahyo, Ph.D. as co-promoter. “Pemodelan Government Enterprise Architecture Framework Berbasis...Read More
On Monday (25/5), Fasilkom UI held a doctoral promotion for the Computer Science doctorate conferment to Lukman. The event was held in Fasilkom UI Auditorium with the dissertation titled Knowledge Management Model, Architecture, and Key Success Factor of Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge. This research aims to develop a knowledge management model called I-Grest (Indonesian...Read More
Fasilkom UI in cooperation with Alumni Association (ILUNI) and Association of Parents, Students, Teachers and Alumni (POMDA) Fasilkom UI held an alumni gathering by the theme “Approaching the 30th Anniversary of Computer Science in UI” to build communication and hospitality between alumnus. The event was held in Anex Room, Balairung UI; inviting alumnus from all...Read More
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