Computer Science Doctoral Promotion – Devi Fitrianah

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On Monday, June 29, 2015, The Faculty of Computer Science UI held an open session for Computer Science doctorate conferment for Devi Fitrianah. The session, which was held in Fasilkom UI Auditorium, was done to examine Devi’s dissertation: “Algoritma Clustering Spatio-Temporal Berbasis Density-Cube (IMSTAGRID) dan Aplikasinya dalam Identifikasi Area Potensial Penangkapan Ikan Tuna di Perairan Indonesia” (The Improved Spatio-Temporal Cube Density Clustering (IMSTAGRID) Algorithm and Its Application in the Identification of Potential Tuna Fishing Zone in Indonesia).

The research began with the fact that data storage and presentation is developing due to multi-dimension data transactions such as wireless application, remote sensing technology, and many others. This IT development produces many spatio-temporal data repositories. A method for spatio-temporal data mining is by clustering, which is analyzing data without considering its classification labels. Through her research, Devi proposes the Improved Statio-Temporal Grid Density Based Clustering (IMSTAGRID) algorithm, which is a spatio-temporal algorithm adapted from a clustering algorithm for multidimensional data. This algorithm is implemented in the classification and prediction of potential tuna fishing zone based on the daily tuna fishing data. This research establishes a ground truth   about tuna fishing and produces labels for tuna fishing area. The result of this research can be used in determining potential tuna fishing zones.

The session was led by Mirna Adriani, Ph.D., inviting several acclaimed names as examiners, including Prof. Belawati H. Widjaja, Ph.D., Dr. Jonson Lumban Gaol, Hisar Maruli Manurung, Ph.D., Yudho Giri Sucahyo, Ph.D., and M. Ivan Fanany, Ph.D. Furthermore, the session was also attended by Prof. Dr. Aniati Murni and Dr. A. Nizar Hidayanto as promoter and co-promoter respectively. The dissertation was given a highly distinctive result, and a doctorate in Computer Science was then conferred to Dr. Devi Fitrianah as the 45th graduate from Fasilkom UI doctoral program. (SA)