Fasilkom UI Doctoral Promotion – Dr. Gerry Firmansyah

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia > E-News > Fasilkom UI Doctoral Promotion – Dr. Gerry Firmansyah

 PromdokGerry-Fasilkom-1024x584On Wednesday, June 24, 2015, Fasilkom UI held an open session for a Computer Science doctorate conferment for Gerry Firmansyah. The session, which was held in Fasilkom Auditorium, was led by Mirna Adriani, Ph.D. with Prof. Zainal A. Hasibuan as the promoter and Yudho Giri Sucahyo, Ph.D. as co-promoter.

Pemodelan Government Enterprise Architecture Framework Berbasis Principal Component Analysis” (Government Enterprise Architecture Framework Modeling Based on Principal Component Analysis) tries to develop a model of GEA framework based on principal component analysis for Indonesia in order to give maximum benefits for e-government implementation in the country. The researcher sought for influential components in the development of enterprise architecture framework. After that, the researcher formulated a way of developing GEA framework based on principal component analysis and evaluating the GEA in e-government implementation.

The research found that the forming components of Indonesian enterprise architecture are governance, system, regulations, management, and key operational application. Interviews with several Indonesian institutions and comparison with other countries’ GEA show that GEA cannot be straightly adapted; it needs to consider main components that exist in the country in question. The survey also shows that GCIO governance, too, is an important component in e-government implementation.

The research was highly appreciated and given a highly distinctive result by the examiners, which were Dr. A. Nizar Hidayanto, Dr. Ing. M. Sukrisno Mardiyanto, Dr. Eko K. Budiarjo, Betty Purwandari Ph,D., and Dr. Indra Budi. A doctorate in Computr Science was then conferred to Dr. Gerry Firmansyah as Fasilkom doctorate program’s 41st graduate. (SA)