Fasilkom UI Doctoral Promotion – Dr. Imam Marzuki Shofi

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Fasilkom UI held a session of Computer Science doctorate conferment for Imam Marzuki Shofi on Monday, July 6, 2015. The session was held in Fasilkom UI Auditorium for a dissertation defense, with the dissertation titled “Metode Analisa Pra-syarat Perangkat Lunak Berorientasi Sasaran Berdasarkan Dokumen Regulasi” (Goal Oriented Software Requirement Analysis Method Based on Regulation Documents).

Requirements are a critical factor in determining the success or the failure of a software system. This research proposes the Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) method to determine the goal/requirement based on the regulation documents. It produces three methods, which are SAR (Select Appropriate Regulation) method to determine the regulation documents which will be the basis for certain government application; R2G (Regulations to Goal Model) method to determine goal based on the regulation documents, and GCC (Goal Consistencies Checking) method to check the consistency between goals. This research shows that the proposed method can be used to determine the goal/requirements of the software.

The session was led by Mirna Adriani, Ph.D (Dean of Fasilkom UI) with Prof. Heru Suhartanto, Ph.D. as promoter and Dr. Eko K. Budiardjo as co-promoter. The session invited Prof. Dr. R. Eko Indrajit, Dana Indra Sensuse, Ph.D., Dr. Indra Budi, Hisar Maruli Manurung, Ph.D., and Dr. A. Nizar Hidayanto as the examiner team. The dissertation got a highly distinctive result, and Dr. Imam Marzuki Shofi graduated from Fasilkom doctoral program as the 47th graduate with a Computer Science doctorate.