Fasilkom UI is proud to deliver warmest congratulations for UI delegates who have won the award as the All-around Winner in Gemastik 9 (Students’ Technology, Information, and Communication National Exhibition) year 2016. The following is the list of medals acquired by our delegates in Gemastik 9 this year #Gemastik9 Programming Gold Team: Nem_HCNU_Peno Ammar Fathin...Read More
PRESS RELEASE The 8th International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) 2016 will take place on October, 15-16 2016 at Gedung Widyaloka Universitas Brawijaya (Malang, Jawa Timur). ICACSIS 2016 is an international forum which presents researchers, professionals, scholars, and experts in computer science and information system, coming from home and abroad. The papers which...Read More
PRESS RELEASE Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia (FASILKOM UI) organizes an international event presenting IT practitioners from home and abroad. This event is IWBIS (International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security) held on October 18-19 2016 at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), East Jakarta. The opening ceremony will be delivered by Prof. Heru...Read More
There are several factors that affect the performance of tracking algorithm. Those several factors include robust and speed. Thus, Alexander Agung Santoso Gunawan in his dissertation titled “Pelacakan Visual Cepat dan Optimal Berdasarkan Metode Spektral dalam Kerangka Bayesian” proposed a new tracking algorithm in relation to probabilistic Bayesian Framework. This algorithm proposed will be developed...Read More
Universitas Indonesia has organized a Selection for Excellent Educators for Academic Administrator, Finance Manager, Laboratory Assistant, General Administrator and Technician in 2016. This event involves educators from all faculties in Universitas Indonesia. This appreciation is officially given by Mr Muhammad Anis, the Rector of Universitas Indonesia, to Excellent Educators on August 17, 2016 at Rotunda...Read More
The development of electronic sensor technology has rapidly brought a lot of innovations in relation to the development of olfactory features for robot that surely give positive impacts. Furthermore, these innovations promise at least two benefits which are analyzing the type of gas or chemical that vaporizes in the air and also finding the Odor...Read More
On June 27th, 2016, Fasilkom UI just held an open session for a Computer Science doctorate conferment for Arya Adhyasa Waskita. The presented dissertation’ session was led by Mirna Adriani Ph.D. by bringing “Deteksi Dini Kondisi Anomali Pada Jaringan Sensor Berbasis Metode Entropi” (The Early Detection for Anomaly Condition in Sensor Networks based on Entropy Method)...Read More
On June 10th, 2016, Fasilkom UI held an open session for a Computer Science doctorate conferment for Mesnan Silalahi. The presented dissertation’ session was led by Mirna Adriani Ph.D. by bringing “Pengembangan Metodologi Rekayasa Ontologi Berbasis Sosioteknis” (The Development of Ontology Socio-technical Based’ Engineering Methodology) as its title. This research is purposed to develop an ontology...Read More
In June, 2016, 11 students of Computer Science and Information Systems Fasilkom UI are going to Seoul, South Korea to be participants in an internship program at Ajou University. Those are students who has been selected for ICT. IDN PROGRAM 2016. ICT. IDN is a program that gives special training so that can improve the...Read More
Fasilkom UI held a session of Computer Science doctorate conferment for Darmawan Napitupulu on Monday, May 9, 2016. The session was held in Fasilkom UI Auditorium and led by Prof. Dr. Toemin A. Masoem, with the dissertation titled “Model Kematangan E-Government di Indonesia” (Indonesia’ E–Government Maturity Model). E-Government is the use of technology (TIK) to intensify...Read More
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