The Early Detection for Anomaly Condition in Sensor Networks

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On June 27th, 2016, Fasilkom UI just held an open session for a Computer Science doctorate conferment for Arya Adhyasa Waskita. The presented dissertation’ session was led by Mirna Adriani Ph.D. by bringing “Deteksi Dini Kondisi Anomali Pada Jaringan Sensor Berbasis Metode Entropi” (The Early Detection for Anomaly Condition in Sensor Networks based on Entropy Method) as its title.

We need a safety system in order to make sure that everything goes well and safely when is operating. However, the earlier system that has been set up sometimes causes casualties and environmental damage. In this dissertation, researcher develops an Anomaly Detection System (ADS) which is based on entropy method. This ADS is developed for a special system which has the quality of safety critical that can understand the moderate operating limit for each element while it is designed and also can immediately detect an anomaly. In order to know and observe these things, it needs several sensors both the homogenous ones and also the heterogeneous.

Arya Adhyasa Waskita proposed a method that uses an entropy approach and exhaustive research. This entropy approach would be used to detect an anomaly that is caused by the failure of sensor nodes and also get estimated about the position of the sensor nodes in depicting interaction of a pair of sensors. The result of this study hopefully can help to decrease the number of accidents that happened during the system operation.

These results were presented by Arya Adhyasa Waskita in an open session which was held in Auditorium of Fasilkom UI. The Computer Science doctorate conferment session was led by Mirna Adriani, Ph.D., with Prof. Dr. Aniarty Murni Arymurthy, Prof. Dr. Kudang Boro Seminar, L.Y Stefanus Ph.D., Setiadi Yazid Ph.D., M. Ivan Fanany, Ph.D., and Wahyu Catur Wibowo, Ph.D as the examiners. In the session, Prof. Heru Suhartanto Ph.D. and Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko were also present as the promoter and co-promoter respectively. The dissertation was well-presented, and a high-distinction result was granted. As the 54th graduate from Fasilkom UI, a doctorate was then conferred to Dr. Didit Widiyanto. (as)