The Development of Ontology Socio-technical Based’ Engineering Methodology

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia > E-News > The Development of Ontology Socio-technical Based’ Engineering Methodology

On June 10th, 2016, Fasilkom UI held an open session for a Computer Science doctorate conferment for Mesnan Silalahi. The presented dissertation’ session was led by Mirna Adriani Ph.D. by bringing “Pengembangan Metodologi Rekayasa Ontologi Berbasis Sosioteknis” (The Development of Ontology Socio-technical Based’ Engineering Methodology) as its title.

This research is purposed to develop an ontology engineering methodology that could support and promote the success of developing-ontology projects by using socio-technical approach. In his research, Mesnan Silalahi observed several factors that are important for the ontology socio-technical based’ engineering. By proposing a synthesis method for the publication of qualitative study in ontology engineering, this research was trying to find out any evidence or facts from empirical data. Furthermore, this research results four factors which are people, technology, task, and structure that are important for ontology engineering. The synthesis method indicates that there are socio-technical aspects which are planning, analyses, design, implementation, and evaluation in all phases of ontology engineering’ life-cycle. Later on, this result would be used to develop a life-cycle model within a model that has been previously proposed by Mesnan Silalahi.

This life-cycle model is operated in the description of activities, methods, techniques, and also tools that are used in order to start developing-ontology socio-technical based’ projects. Moreover, this model also has been test by the researcher in one of developing-ontology case study for medical plants in Indonesia that involved about ten domain experts related to medical plants in Indonesia. A result from this research shows an effective process in order to promise the success of ontology. This is surely a great contribution for academic for that it is a confirmation for those four main factors in a socio-technical system, developing a new life-cycle model within ontology engineering by using a socio-technical approach, and also giving a new alternative for ontology engineering methodology by using socio-technical approach which embodied in an operationalization of the life-cycle model that is built.

The dissertation was presented in Fasilkom UI Auditorium. The session was invited Prof. Dr. Aniati Murni as a promoter and Dana Indra Sensuse, Ph.D. as a co-promoter. Five examiners were also present at the sessiom, including Prof. Dr. Engkos Koswara, Wahyu Catur Wibowo, Ph.D., Dr. A Nizar Hidayanto, Harry Budi Santoso, Ph.D., and Dr. Indra Budi. At the end of the session, the dissertation achieved a highly distinctive result and a doctorate in Computer Science was then conferred to Dr. Mesnan Silalahi as the 53rd graduate from Fasilkom UI Doctorate program. (HK)