On March 7 – 8, 2015, UI students obtained two out of three achievements in the first Hackathon Hardware in Indonesia. Titled “Indonesia’s First Internet of Things Big Data Innovation Challenge”, the event announced FlowGo and Sunsquare as the 1st and the 3rd winner of Hackathon Hardware, authorizing them to display their works in the Big...Read More
Fasilkom UI held a doctoral promotion session in Computer Science for doctorate confernment to Arief Fatchul Huda on Friday, January 13, 2015. The session was held in Fasilkom UI Auditorium with the dissertation titled “Algoritma Klastering Spatial dan Spatiotemporal Berdasarkan Struktur Ketetanggaan Pada Data Raster” (Spatial and Spatiotemporal Clustering Algorithm Based on Neighboring Structure in...Read More
Banjir sebagai akibat dari intensitas hujan yang semakin tinggi di Jakarta selama beberapa hari terakhir tidak bisa dihindari. Data dari BPBD DKI Jakarta menyebutkan bahwa hanya dalam kurun waktu Januari-Februari 2014 saja, ada lebih dari 250 ribu orang yang dievakuasi dan lebih dari 1 juta orang terkena dampak dari banjir. Angka ini mungkin termasuk Anda...Read More
As the intensity of rain is increasing in Jakarta for the past few days, flood becomes unavoidable. According to BPBD DKI Jakarta, there were more than 250 thousand people being evacuated and more than 1 million people were affected by flood during January-February 2014. Siaga Banjir gives an integrated service to assist Jakarta residents in...Read More
Fasilkom UI held a training of Phyton Programming for staffs and lecturers in support of the development of IT programming language. The training was commenced by the Dean of Fasilkom UI, Mirna Adriani, with L. Y. Stefanus (Lecturer at Fasilkom UI) as the speaker. The training was held on January 27-29, 2015 in Building A Fasilkom UI,...Read More
On Friday, February 6, 2015, Fasilkom UI held an open session for the conferment of doctorate in Computer Science to Sidik Mulyono with his dissertation: Aplikasi Data Penginderaan Jauh Untuk Deteksi Fase Tumbuh Padi Dengan Metode Heuristik dan Prediksi Panen Padi Dengan Pembelajaran Mesin (The Application of Remote Sensing Data in Paddy Growth Stages Detection...Read More
Fasilkom UI menyelenggarakan sidang terbuka dalam rangka penganugerahan Doktor Ilmu Komputer kepada Hapnes Toba pada hari Selasa, 13 Januari 2015. Acara dilaksanakan di Ruang 1213 Fasilkom UI dengan judul disertasi “Pemodelan Frasa Pengandung Jawaban (ABP-LG) Untuk Sistem Tanya Jawab”. Riset ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan metode baru yang dapat meningkatkan relevansi cuplikan teks dan...Read More
Tuesday (9/12), Fasilkom UI held an open session for doctorate conferment for Agus Widodo. The session was held in Grand Meeting Room Fasilkom UI with the dissertation titled “Prediksi Area Riset Dengan Pendekatan Kernel Based Ensemble“ (Prediction of Research Area with Ensemble Kernel-Based Approach). The researcher believes that an ensemble approach that combine the prediction...Read More
Fasilkom UI in collaboration with FK UI has achieved Merit Award in Research & Development category in the 2014 APICTA. In this event, Fasilkom UI presented e-Cardio, an android-based integrated system for heart disease monitoring and early detection. This application is built by Fasilkom UI team consisted of Dr. Eng. Wisnu Jatmiko (Supervisor), Hanif Arief Wisesa, S.Kom; Grafika Jati, S.Kom; M. Anwar...Read More
Fasilkom UI succeeded to leave its marks in the 2014 Asia Startup and Hackathon, Jakarta, held by Tech in Asia on November 26-17, 2014. This is an international competition for startups and applications in Asia. In the Asian Hackathon, Fauzan Helmi Sudaryanto, Caraka Nur Azmi, Rasmunandar Rustam, Taufan Satrio and Riska Fadila from Fasilkom UI team achieved the title of the...Read More
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