Fasilkom UI in collaboration with FK UI has achieved Merit Award in Research & Development category in the 2014 APICTA. In this event, Fasilkom UI presented e-Cardio, an android-based integrated system for heart disease monitoring and early detection. This application is built by Fasilkom UI team consisted of Dr. Eng. Wisnu Jatmiko (Supervisor), Hanif Arief Wisesa, S.Kom; Grafika Jati, S.Kom; M. Anwar...Read More
Fasilkom UI succeeded to leave its marks in the 2014 Asia Startup and Hackathon, Jakarta, held by Tech in Asia on November 26-17, 2014. This is an international competition for startups and applications in Asia. In the Asian Hackathon, Fauzan Helmi Sudaryanto, Caraka Nur Azmi, Rasmunandar Rustam, Taufan Satrio and Riska Fadila from Fasilkom UI team achieved the title of the...Read More
Beragam persiapan membuat suasana ulang tahun ke-21 Fasilkom UI menjadi meriah. Salah satunya dengan hiasan balon berwarna biru merah yang identik dengan Fasilkom UI serta umbul-umbul yang mengitari gedung-gedung di Fasilkom UI. Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014 menjadi hari spesial bagi Fasilkom UI. Terpanjatkan doa dan syukur dalam Perayaan Dies Natalis (Hari Jadi) ke-21 Fasilkom UI...Read More
Students of Faculty of Computer Science UI succeeded to achieve the title of Overall Winner of GEMASTIK 2014 (Pagelaran Mahasiswa Nasional bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi – National Students Exhibition on Communication and Information Technology). The event was held in Gajah Mada University on November 25 – 27, 2014. UI team consisted of 41 Fasilkom...Read More
The Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) held an international conference of computer science and information system, ICACSIS 2014 (International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems) on October 18-19, 2014 in Ambhara Hotel, Jakarta. The event was officially opened by Mirna Adriani, Ph.D (Dean of Fasilkom UI) and a welcoming speech...Read More
The Faculty of Computer Science (FASILKOM) Universitas Indonesia is going to have the 2014 Computer Festival on Oktober, 11-12, 2014 in the National Museum Building (Gedung Meseum Nasional), Medan Merdeka Barat 12, Central Jakarta. Compfest 2014, titled “IT Empowerment for The Next Chapter of Globalization”, is a One Stop IT Event that brings together various...Read More
Sunday (18/10), Fasilkom UI held the 2014 Research Dissemination. This event is an implementation of one of the missions of Universitas Indonesia, which is to make utilization in research. The opening ceremony was held concurrently with one of Fasilkom UI annual events, International Conferences on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) 2014. Both events...Read More
Thusrday (11/9), Universitas Indonesia through IWK UI (Ikatan Wanita Keluarga UI – UI Family Women Union) held a Scholarship Grant for the children of UI staffs and employees. This scholarship is for those who are in the 1st to 12th grade. The event, that was held in UI Convention Center, was attended by the Vice...Read More
Keluarga besar Fasilkom UI menyelenggarakan acara penyambutan untuk mahasiswa baru Fasilkom UI tahun ajaran 2014 melalui kegiatan PSAF (Pengenalan Sistem Akademik Universitas tingkat Fakultas). Acara ini merupakan bagian dari rangkaian kegiatan Pembinaan Mahasiswa Baru (PMB) yang bertujuan untuk membantu mahasiswa baru dalam mengenal lingkungan fakultas baik sacara fisik maupun akademis. Pada tahun ini, Saqib (Fasilkom...Read More
Graduation is one of life’s unforgettable moments for someone. On Thursday, August 28, 2014, The Faculty of Computer Science had held the Celebration and Farewell for the even semester year 2013/2014 at Sabha Widya Building, Wisma Makara UI Depok. In this period, Fasilkom has graduated 262 students including 150 bachelors from Regular program, 9 bachelors...Read More
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