A lot of researches and studies in many areas have been positively supported by Indonesia’ universities and also government. These supports are included the provision of data and information and also the funding for research. However, these supports do not really cover the needs of experts in the field of research. Thus, Dr. Wisnu Jatmiko...Read More
Data is an important information for several people or group. As time goes by, data becomes a main information center so that the role of information security (cyber security) on one data system/technology needs to be prepared carefully. This is because of the importance of data’ security in order to prevent information leakage/data theft. Cyber...Read More
Pengmas Vokasi UI held a TaxAction (Tax Consultancy) which is a tax consultancy program regarding the fulfilment of SPT Personal Income Tax 2015. Here, Fasilkom Human Resources Division in cooperation with Pengmas Vokasi UI held this tax consultancy program for lecturers and staff of Fasilkom-Pusilkom UI. On Wednesday (16/3), there was as a socialization about...Read More
Kamis (14/1), Fasilkom UI menyelenggarakan Sidang Promosi Doktor Ilmu Komputer kepada Sdri. Ida Nurhaida. Sidang yang diketuai oleh Prof. Dr. Toemin A. Masoem (Guru Besar Fasilkom UI) ini mengusung judul disertasi “Metode Deteksi Motif Batik Menggunakan Clustering Fitur-Fitur Scale Invarian Feature Transform (SIFT) pada Ruang Hough”. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti beranggapan bahwa pemanfaatan teknologi informasi...Read More
A lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI), Betty Purwandari Ph.D., won the award for The Best British Graduate from the British government on Education UK Alumni Award this March 2016. Betty has completed her Ph.D in the field of Intelligence, Agents & Multimedia at the School of Electronics and Computer...Read More
UI Open Days is held again this year on 27-28 February 2016 at Balairung UI, Depok. The visitors who want to find more information about studying in UI are increasing in numbers; more than 26,000 were registered as participants of UI Open Days 2016. The entire faculties and study programs in UI are involved in...Read More
Fasilkom UI received a visit from SMA 68 Jakarta on March 7, 2016. The high school’s tenth grade, accompanied by the Parents’ Committee (Komite Orang Tua), came to UI and visited a number of faculties, one of which was Fasilkom UI. A total of 150 students attended a presentation session led by Ms. Siti Aminah,...Read More
Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) is proud to deliver warmest congratulations to every graduate of Undergraduate and Graduate programs of Fasilkom UI term 2015/2016. Keep creating, keep thriving! #WisudaUI #FasilkomUIRead More
The Faculty of Computer Science of Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) held a Doctoral Promotion Trial of Computer Science to Mr. Edit Prima on Friday, January 8th 2016. The promotion trial that was led by Mirna Adriani, Ph.D (The Dean of Fasilkom UI) brought a thesis that is titled The Framework of Public Key Infrastucture based...Read More
On Monday (11/1), The Faculty of Computer Science of Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) held a Doctoral Promotion Trial of Computer Science to Mr. Soetrisno. With the dissertation title “Adjacency Hyperedges Matrix, a Hypergraph Model for the Identification of Structural Relation Object Composition.”, the trial was held in the Auditorium room of Fasilkom UI Depok. In...Read More
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