TaxAction (Tax Consult)

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Pengmas Vokasi UI held a TaxAction (Tax Consultancy) which is a tax consultancy program regarding the fulfilment of SPT Personal Income Tax 2015. Here, Fasilkom Human Resources Division in cooperation with Pengmas Vokasi UI held this tax consultancy program for lecturers and staff of Fasilkom-Pusilkom UI.

On Wednesday (16/3), there was as a socialization about the fulfilment of SPT Personal Income Tax for all lecturers and staff of Fasilkom-Pusilkom UI by inviting Mr. Imran Rosyadi as the speaker. After that, the event continued to a consultancy program regarding the fulfilment of SPT Personal Income Tax on Thursday (3/17) in Auditorium of Fasilkom UI-Depok.

This event hopefully could give a clear information to all lecturers and staff of Fasilkom-Pusilkom UI about the fulfilment of SPT Personal Income Tax so that all lecturers and staff of Fasilkom-Pusilkom UI could report theirs SPT Personal Income Tax on time.