Pada tanggal 1-2 Maret 2014, Universitas Indonesia kembali menyelenggarakan kegiatan Open Days UI 2014. Berlokasi di Perpustakaan Pusat UI Depok, acara berjalan dengan lancar dan penuh antusiasme. Peserta yang terdaftar mencapai 7000 orang mulai dari siswa-siswi SMA/MA/sederajat hingga mahasiswa yang ingin melanjutkan studi di UI. Acara terbagi menjadi banyak sesi seminar Fakultas salah satunya seminar...Read More
Congratulations to RAMA DWIYANA PUTERA student from Information System department, batch 2012, for his achievements: 1st Winner of Mahasiswa Berprestas Fasilkom UI 3rd Winner of Mahasiswa Berprestasi UI 2nd Winner for the category of Science and Technology on Mahasiswa Berprestasi UI Article for the achievement could you read at: BERITA UIRead More
On Thursday (6/2), Fasilkom UI held an open session for the conferment of doctorate in Computer Science for Herwanto. The session was held in the Auditorium of Fasilkom UI with the dissertation titled “Sistem Pengenalan Pola Citra Mammogram, Data Individu dan Patologi untuk Identifikasi Penyakit Kanker Payudara” (A Pattern Recognition System of Mammogram Image, Individual,...Read More
Rabu (5/2), Fasilkom UI menyelenggarakan Seminar dengan pembicara Jan Pidanic. Beliau adalah seorang pengajar dan peneliti dari Fakultas Engineering and informatics, University of Pardubice, Crezh Republic. Bertempat di Ruang Rapat Besar Fasilkom UI, seminar mengusung topik Signal Processing in Passive Multistatic Radar System (MRS). Dalam penelitiannya, Jan melakukan analisa dan membandingkan metode komputasi CAF dan...Read More
On Monday (3/2), Fasilkom UI held an open session for the conferment of doctorate in Computer Science for Ahmad Nurul Fajar. The dissertation is titled “Metode Requirement Analysis in Software Product Line pada Aplikasi E-Government Berdasarkan Peraturan” (Analysis Requirement Method in Software Product Line on E-Government Application Based on Rules). The session was held in...Read More
On Monday, July 22nd 2013, Fasilkom UI held an open session for the conferment of doctorate in Computer Science for ElviawatyMuisaZamzami. The session was held in the Auditorium of Faculty of Computer Science UI with the presented dissertation titled “Metode Requirement Recovery danRekonstruksi Requirements dariPerangkatLunakJadidengan Basis End-To-End Interaction” or Requirement Recovery Method and Requirement Reconstruction...Read More
On July, 9th 2013, an open session was held in the auditorium of Faculty of Computer Science UI for the conferment of doctorate in Computer Science for Arief Ramadhan. The presented dissertation is titled: “E-Livestock in Indonesia: Definition, Success Factors and Models”. The idea for this dissertation came from Arief’s concern on the Indonesian government...Read More
10-13 Juni 2013, Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia (FASILKOM UI) bekerjasama dengan Direktorat Belmawa Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi dan Department of Engineering Education of Utah State University menyelenggarakan Workshop berjudul “Developing Online Education” sebagai wujud kepedulian terhadap perkembangan pembelajaran online di Indonesia. Workshop diselenggarakan di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia Kampus Depok, pada...Read More
Fun Coding, programming seminar and workshop for high school students had been successfully held on June, 24th-26th 2013 in the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia. Fun Coding, as a part of Summer Camp Fasilkom UI <> was organized in collaboration with SunSquare Studio <> and Lembaga Asisten Fasilkom UI (Institute of Assistance Faculty of...Read More
Pada tanggal 3-5 Juni 2013, Fasilkom UI bekerjasama dengan The Pacific Rim Application and Grid Middleware Assembly (PRAGMA) menyelenggarakan acara workshop yang dilaksanakan di Ruang Rapat Besar Gedung A Fasilkom UI mulai pukul 08.00 – 17.00 WIB. Tema yang diusung dalam acara workshop tersebut adalah Mini-PRAGMA International Workshop on Building Collaborations in Clouds, High Performance...Read More
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