Lately, the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is growing fast. Information and Communication Technology is independently present in all over sectors, like education, agricultures, fishiery, marine, health, banking, and so on. In line with the progression, almost all countries have applied the Information and Communication Technology for sectoral advancement, one of them is...Read More
Doctoral Program of Computer Science UI granted a doctoral degree to Ms. Intan Nurma Yulita, who completed her doctoral dissertation entitled “Metode Fast Convolutional untuk mendeteksi Fase Tidur Penyandang Autisme/ FastConvolutional Method to Detect Sleeping Stages in People with Autism.” Her research offers a new method to overcome a patterned sleeping disorder in children with...Read More
International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security (IWBIS), held on 12 – 13 May 2018 in Balai Kartini-Jakarta, was backed by enthusiasm from 400 attendees. IWBIS 2018 was opened by a welcome speech from Ricky Joseph Pesik (Deputy Chairman of Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy), Mirna Adriani (Dean of Fasilkom UI) and Adila Krisnadhi...Read More
Fasilkom UI Team succeeded in carving an accomplishment in the category of Data Mining in JOINTS Competition 2018 that was venued in UGM Jogjakarta. Team with Farid Wajdi (Information System UI 2015), Aldi Fahrezi (Computer Science UI 2015) and Indra Pambudi (Computer Science UI 2015) as members participated in this Data Mining JOINTS 2018 competition;...Read More
PRESS RELEASE UI Computer Science Faculty Hosts Workshop Internasional Bidang Big Data & Information Security (IWBIS 2018) The Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) organized an international Big Data and Information Security workshop or known as the IWBIS (International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security) on 12-13 May 2018 in Balai Kartini...Read More
Fasilkom UI marked an achievement in Arkavidia 4 competition. After Muhammad Ayaz Dzulfikar success in Programming Contest field, the winning team’s members were Aldi Fahrezi, Rakha Kanz Kautsar, and Wira Abdillah Siregar coming out as the first winner in Capture the Flag Competition Category. They are year 2015 students of UI computer science faculty, that...Read More
Muhammad Ayaz Dzulfikar, a student of Fasilkom UI year 2015 has successfully achieved a champion title in the Programming Contest in Arkavidia 4 competition that was held in ITB. In this final round of Programming Contest Arkavidia 4, the participants were required to note program code in Pascal language program, C, C++ and Java. Ayaz’s...Read More
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