Thusrday (11/9), Universitas Indonesia through IWK UI (Ikatan Wanita Keluarga UI – UI Family Women Union) held a Scholarship Grant for the children of UI staffs and employees. This scholarship is for those who are in the 1st to 12th grade. The event, that was held in UI Convention Center, was attended by the Vice...Read More
Keluarga besar Fasilkom UI menyelenggarakan acara penyambutan untuk mahasiswa baru Fasilkom UI tahun ajaran 2014 melalui kegiatan PSAF (Pengenalan Sistem Akademik Universitas tingkat Fakultas). Acara ini merupakan bagian dari rangkaian kegiatan Pembinaan Mahasiswa Baru (PMB) yang bertujuan untuk membantu mahasiswa baru dalam mengenal lingkungan fakultas baik sacara fisik maupun akademis. Pada tahun ini, Saqib (Fasilkom...Read More
Graduation is one of life’s unforgettable moments for someone. On Thursday, August 28, 2014, The Faculty of Computer Science had held the Celebration and Farewell for the even semester year 2013/2014 at Sabha Widya Building, Wisma Makara UI Depok. In this period, Fasilkom has graduated 262 students including 150 bachelors from Regular program, 9 bachelors...Read More
On Wednesday (20/8), POMDA (Persatuan Orang tua Mahasiswa, Dosen dan Alumni – Parents, Students, and Lecturers Union) of Fasilkom UI held a meeting with parents of newly admitted 2014 students at room 3111-3112 building C Fasilkom UI, Depok. The event was aimed to introduce the educational facilities and student activities in Fasilkom UI to the...Read More
Fasilkom UI held a training for Fasilkom UI Young Lecturers on August 18-21, 2011. The training aims to build cooperation and communication and to equip the young lecturers with knowledge, attitude, and mentality to deal with students in class and to give academic guides. The training itself was given directly from senior lecturers of Fasilkom...Read More
On Tuesday, Fasilkom UI held an open session for Computer Science doctorate conferment for Pahala Sirait. The event was held in the Grand Meeting Room Fasilkom UI with the presented dissertation titled “Deteksi Bentuk dan Perubahan Bangunan Menggunakan Citra Satelit Resolusi Tinggi Dengan Pendekatan Geometri” (Detection of Buildings’ Forms and Changes using High Resolution Satellite...Read More
Fasilkom UI’s lecturer and researcher, Dr. Eng. Wisnu Jatmiko, M.Kom. was awarded the ambassador title of Science and Technology (Widyasilpawijana) by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia. The title was awarded on Monday, August 11, 2014 on the 19th Commemoration of National Revival Day at the Auditorium of BPPT Building II, Jakarta. The title was...Read More
On Tuesday, June 6th, Fasilkom UI held an open session for doctorate conferment to Retno Kusumaningrum. It was held in Fasilkom UI Auditorium with the dissertation titled “Top-Down Hierarchical Latent Dirichlet Allocation” (Sebuah Model Klasifikasi Tutupan Lahan Bertingkat dan Aplikasinya untuk Anotasi Per Piksel). The research proposes a new annotation process based on land cover...Read More
Dalam suasana bulan suci Ramadhan, selasa (1/7), Fasilkom UI menyelenggarakan sidang terbuka dalam rangka penganugerahan Doktor Ilmu Komputer kepada Elly Matul Imah. Acara dilaksanakan di Ruang Rapat Besar Fasilkom UI dengan judul disertasi “Adaptive Multilayer Generalized Learning Vector Quantization (AMGLVQ): Algoritma Pembelajaran Berbasis Kompetisi yang Terintegrasi Antara Seleksi Data, Ekstraksi Fitur dan Klasifikasi”. Dalam penelitiannya,...Read More
Koordinator Kemahasiswaan FasilkomUI, Muhammad Hilman, mengungkapkan bahwa dalam catatan Fasilkom UI, trend kegiatan pengembangan aplikasi dan kompetisi yang diikuti mahasiswa Fasilkom UI meningkat cukup pesat dalam 5 tahun terakhir. Salah satunya prestasi yang dicapai oleh Pandago Studio dalam ajang Hackathon yang diselenggarakan oleh Startup Asia Singapore 2014. Pandago Studio adalah tim mahasiswa Fasilkom UI yang...Read More
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