Tim Fasilkom UI “Supir Tayo” menjuarai di ajang The 2018 ICPC Asia Hanoi Regional Contest. Kompetisi tersebut dilaksanakan pada tanggal 29-30 November 2018 di Hanoi, Vietnam. Tim yang beranggotakan Muhammad Ayas Dzulfikar, Degoldie Sonny, dan Inigo Ramli ini sebelumnya telah masuk 10 besar pada ajang yang sama untuk Regional Jakarta. International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)...Read More
International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) adalah kompetisi pemrograman komputer tahunan yang diikutsertakan oleh universitas-universitas di dunia. Pada tahun 2018, ICPC Asia Regional Jakarta diselenggarakan pada tanggal 10-12 November 2018. Kompetisi ini melibatkan berbagai negara di Asia. Berdasarkan scoreboard kompetisi, tiga tim Fasilkom UI berhasil meraih Top 10 ICPC Asia Regional Jakarta 2018. Ketiga tim tersebut...Read More
Tahun 2018 ini, Fasilkom UI merayakan Dies Natalis yang ke 32 tahun, diselenggarakan di Auditorium Gedung Baru Fasilkom UI Depok. Dihadiri oleh civitas akademika Fasilkom, baik dari unsur dosen, karyawan, mahasiswa, dewan guru besar maupun manajemen dan staf Pusilkom UI. Acara terselenggara dengan sederhana, akrab dan kekeluargaan. Persembahan lagu dan nyayian dari kolaborasi dosen, staf...Read More
History has repeated itself, Universitas Indonesia for the sixth time has achieved an overall winner position in the 2018 National Student Competition in the field of Information and Communication Technology or Gemastik. Gemastik is a national stage for information and communication technology students which is approved and encouraged by the Director General of Learning and...Read More
A community event has been held as a form of social responsibility by two joint organizers, the Faculty of Science Universitas Indonesia and Bebras Indonesia with an event called ‘Workshop Computational Thinking’ with purpose to widen and sharpen view and thinking of the Indonesian primary students. The event was aimed for primary school teachers of...Read More
Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia team succeeded in marking its existence into Singapore in MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resource Management Competition which had been organized by the Monsoon Academy on 20th September 2018. ‘Basic A’ Team consisted of Ricky Chandra Johanes (Information System 2016), Kristianto (2016), Marco Kenata (Computer Science 2016), Kelly William (Computer Science 2016)...Read More
ICACSIS 2018 Held in UI (International Conference in in Computer Science and Information System) Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) 2018 held in the Faculty of Science Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI). The international conference, attended by researchers, professionals, and students as well as experts in computer science and information system inside and...Read More
Monday (15/10), participants from higher education institutions and industrial community in Indonesia participated in attending the opening of Digital Talent Scholarship 2018 in the Faculty of Computer Science Auditoriun Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI), Depok. Digital Talent Scholarship Program is a scholarship tranining program that was initated by Agency of Research and Development of Human Resources, the Ministry of Communications...Read More
Holding a role as one of higher institutions in Indonesia, always improving quality of education has been one aspect that Faculty of Computer Science UI focuses on. Extending and opening road to opportunity to its students to learn from as many experts as a strategy that is undertaken by Faculty of Computer Science UI. On...Read More
Faculty of Computer Science UI harnessing Digital Library and Distance Learning Laboratory (DL2) conducted for the second time a Brown-Bag Session (BBS) event. This event was held with intention to build understanding about strategy to its audience in enhancing their quality of learning in this recent technology era. The Brown-Bag Session which scheduled on 12...Read More
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