SDG 4. Quality Education

4. Quality Education

4.2.1. Proportion of graduates with relevant qualification

4.3. Lifelong learning measures

4.3.1. Public resources (lifelong learning)

Since 2020, the Faculty of Computer Science has its own YouTube channel. The channel contains video documentation of webinars as well as workshops organized by the faculty. This channel as well as the video could be accessed by anyone and anytime. With this channel, the public can access educational resources for free without space and time limitations. 

Evidence: the Faculty of Computer Science’s YouTube Channel

4.3.2. Public events (lifelong learning)

As the faculty that mainly promotes mental health, the Faculty of Computer Science routinely organizes events related to mental health. These events could be organized by the faculty itself, institutions under the Faculty of Computer Science, coordination with other organizations and institutions, or organized by students under the supervision of the faculty. We often held webinars that are open for the public and broadcasted Sharing Events through our social media, which made it accessible for everyone. All information regarding public events by the Faculty of Computer Science can be found on our social media.

Evidence: Document

4.3.3. Vocational training events (lifelong learning)

In March 2021, Faculty of Computer Science held an online training for teachers at an elementary school in Cilangkap, West Java. This online training aims to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills to manage inclusive classes, namely classes with regular and special needs students. Other than theoretical knowledge, the material of this training also includes practical ways that can be directly applied. In addition to targeting academic aspects, this training pays attention to non-academic aspects which also play a role in the success of teaching and learning activities.

The Faculty of Computer Science also organizes other training events regularly. These events could be organized by the faculty itself, institution under the Faculty of Computer Science, or in coordination with other organizations and institutions.

Evidence: Document

4.3.4. Education outreach activities beyond campus

OH Pascasarjana ini diselenggarakan untuk mengakomodasi calon mahasiswa magister dan doktoral agar mengenal lebih dalam lagi mengenai program magister teknologi informasi (MTI), magister ilmu komputer (MIK), program doktoral ilmu komputer (DIK), laboratorium, pusat penelitian, penelitian-penelitian yang telah dilakukan, informasi publikasi imliah, dan fasilitas lainnya selama menjadi mahasiswa pascasarjana Fasilkom UI.

Evidence: Document

4.3.5 Lifelong learning access policy

Following Universitas Indonesia’s policy, the Faculty of Computer Science ensures that access to learning activities is accessible to all, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability or gender. This policy is based on Universitas Indonesia’s vision and mission, according to Indonesian Government Regulation Number 68 of 2013 concerning the Statute of the Universitas Indonesia (UI) and nine basic UI’s values. 

Evidence: Rector’s Decree concerning Nine Basic UI’s Values

4.4.1. Proportion of first-generation students