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We would like to announce the schedule for the next Seminar Reboan which is being held on: Speaker: Prof. Osamu Yoshie Dean of Waseda University Graduate School of Information, Production, and Systems (IPS) Date : Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Time : 1.00 – 3.00 PM Location : The Room 1213-A Building 2nd floor, Faculty of Computer, Universitas Indonesia Topic : Ubiquitous Maintenance: Reasoning and Data Collection for Machine Diagnosis Should...
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Once again, Fasilkom UI performed in the final round of the 2014 ACM ICPC in the regional level. The event was held in Jakarta, Indonesia, on December 4-5, 2014. BerinGas (William Gozali, Ammar Fathin Sabil and Pusaka Kaleb Setyabudi) has been ranked the 4th followed by Fast Fourier Transform (Febry Antonius, Tjandra Sartia Gunawan and Fariskhi Vidyan) on the 8th rank and Carizad (Cakra Wisnu Wardhana, Rakina Zata Amni dan Zamil Majdy)...
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Selasa (9/12), Fasilkom UI menyelenggarakan sidang terbuka dalam rangka penganugerahan Doktor Ilmu Komputer kepada Agus Widodo. Acara dilaksanakan di Ruang Rapat Besar Fasilkom UI dengan judul disertasi “Prediksi Area Riset Dengan Pendekatan Kernel Based Ensemble“. Peneliti meyakini bahwa pendekatan ensemble yang menggabungkan hasil prediksi, teknik prediksi atau presentasi data, dapat meningkatkan akurasi prediksi yaitu dengan memanfaatkan MKL. MKL (Multiple Kernel Learning) merupakan suatu teknik ensemble melalui penggabungan kernel yang menggunakan...
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Tuesday (9/12), Fasilkom UI held an open session for doctorate conferment for Agus Widodo. The session was held in Grand Meeting Room Fasilkom UI with the dissertation titled “Prediksi Area Riset Dengan Pendekatan Kernel Based Ensemble“ (Prediction of Research Area with Ensemble Kernel-Based Approach). The researcher believes that an ensemble approach that combine the prediction results, prediction techniques, or data representations has the capability to increase the prediction accuracy using...
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Bersama ini kami mengumumkan agenda Seminar sebagai berikut : Tanggal : Jumat, 12 Desember 2014 Waktu : 14.00 – 15.00 WIB Tempat : AULA Gedun B Lantai 1 Fasilkom UI Depok Pembicara : Prof. Xue Li DKE Division, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering The University of Queensland, Australia Topik : Big data analytics based on the fusion of e-Health Data Apabila saudara/i berminat untuk hadir dalam agenda seminar...
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