Fasilkom UI Doctorate Promotion 2014 – Dr. Agus Widodo

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Tuesday (9/12), Fasilkom UI held an open session for doctorate conferment for Agus Widodo. The session was held in Grand Meeting Room Fasilkom UI with the dissertation titled “Prediksi Area Riset Dengan Pendekatan Kernel Based Ensemble“ (Prediction of Research Area with Ensemble Kernel-Based Approach).

The researcher believes that an ensemble approach that combine the prediction results, prediction techniques, or data representations has the capability to increase the prediction accuracy using MKL. MKL (Multiple Kernel Learning) is an ensemble method optimizes the combination of kernels through the use of machine learning technique such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) as a classifier or predictor. In this research, MKL is used to combine the features of time series data in the form of sliding windows and tested on multiple kernels. In addition, tis study also proposes the use of historical data as a substitute for the training dataset to select the prediction technique based on the characteristics of time series considering the diverse kind of time series data. This study aims to aid polici makers in deciding the priorities and resource allocation for future research.

This promotion was led by Mirna Adriani, Ph.D. with Prof. Belawati H. Widjaja as the promoter and Dr. Indra Budi as the co-promoter. The session was also attended by Dr. Eng. Anto Satrio Nugroho, Hisar Maruli Manurung, Ph.D., M. Ivan Fanany, Ph.D., Dr. Eko Kuswardono Budiardjo and Yudho Giri Sucahyo, Ph.D. as the examiner team. The dissertation got highly distinctive result, which is 3.93. As Fasilkom UI’s 35th graduate in Doctoral program, a doctorate in Computer Science is conferred to Dr. Agus Widodo.