Oktober 2018


Fasilkom UI melalui Digital Library and Distance Learning Laboratory (DL2) menyelenggarakan untuk kedua kalinya kegiatan Brown-Bag Session (BBS). Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan guna memberikan pemahaman dan strategi kepada para peserta dalam meningkatkan kulitas belajar di era teknologi saat ini. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 12 September 2018 ini, menghadirkan sekitar 40 peserta yang mayoritas berprofesi sebagai...
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Faculty of Computer Science UI harnessing Digital Library and Distance Learning Laboratory (DL2) conducted for the second time a Brown-Bag Session (BBS) event. This event was held with intention to build understanding about strategy to its audience in enhancing their quality of learning in this recent technology era. The Brown-Bag Session which scheduled on 12...
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[rad_page_section id=’rpsAO2WUNBYE372VK3UBH4KLGFXBIJNHJXY’ first=’true’ last=’true’ section_name=’Section’ v_padding=” classes=” visibility=’None’ background_opts=” background_color=” background_image=” background_position=” background_cover=” background_repeat=” background_attachment=” background_gradient_dir=” start_gr=” end_gr=’#eeeeee’ video_url=” border_top_width=’0′ border_top_color=” border_top_type=” border_bottom_width=’0′ border_bottom_color=” border_bottom_type=” ][rad_page_container id=’rpcDCRFEWN409VB3F3TKHY2D5P5TVWAN6ML’ layout=’full’ first=’true’ last=’true’ top=’true’ classes=” visibility=’None’ float=’left’ background_opts=” background_color=” background_opacity=” background_image=” background_position=” background_cover=” background_repeat=” background_attachment=” background_gradient_dir=” start_gr=” end_gr=’#eeeeee’ border_top_width=’0′ border_top_color=” border_top_type=” border_bottom_width=’0′ border_bottom_color=” border_bottom_type=” ][rad_page_widget id=’rpwPSL07JT4MCK1R9PYFX0ICVHK1R75JGAW’ type=’rad_gallery_widget’ last=’true’...
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We would like to announce the schedule for Seminar Reboan which is being held on: Date : Wednesday, 3 oktober 2018 Time : 1.00 – 3.00 PM Location : Room 1213 Building A, 2nd floor Fasilkom UI Depok Topic : Penawaran Topik dan Pendanaan Penelitian oleh eCEOs Speaker : Ambara H. (Country Managing Partner Lorem...
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Bersama dengan ini, kami umumkan kegiatan Seminar Reboan yang dilaksanakan pada: Tanggal : Rabu, 3 Oktober 2018 Waktu : 13.00 – 15.00 WIB Tempat : Ruang 1213 Gedung A lantai 2, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer UI Depok Topik : Penawaran Topik dan Pendanaan Penelitian oleh eCEOs Pembicara : Ambara H. (Country Managing Partner Lorem | The...
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