One of our proudest teams from FASILKOM UI, Fast Affine Projection, is again successful to gain a prestigious achievement for the alma mater. After succeeding in winning the first champion in the competition of Indonesian Cyber Army 2015, this team consisting of Adam Jordan, Fariskhi Vidyan, and I Gusti Ngurah Putra Sattvika was back to compete in another national competition, Cyber Jawara 2015.
Cyber Jawara is a competition focusing on computer connection defense and aiming to increase awareness and knowledge about communication security ethics. There were 208 teams from students, scholars, lecturers, and professionals joining this competition. The rigorous selection had left 16 teams as the finalists, and the final was held at Sari Pan Pacific Hotel Jakarta, 10 November 2015. Fast Affine Projection won the second champion in this competition.
The next day, in the same location, Fast Affine Projection competed in the final Cyber Sea Games 2015. The participants, mostly came from the professional of ASEAN countries, were expected to have won national competitions in their own country as one of the qualifications to join Cyber Sea Games. Cyber Sea Games was for the first time organized in 2015, and Indonesia was given an honor to host this event. This competition was organized by IDSIRTII (Indonesia-Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure) from Kemenkominfo in collaboration with Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) ASEAN Secretariat, and Japan Network Security Application.
In this competition, the participants must complete several questions about Web Hacking, Cryptography, Reverse Engineering, Binary Exploitation, Digital Forensic, and Puzzle. The model questions for the participants were challenge completion through an exploitation according to the categories borderline. Fast Affine Projection was successful to win the 4thplace in this competition.
FASILKOM UI congratulates Fast Affine Projection to successfully gain this prestigious achievement. Through this achievement, we hope it will encourage more and more creative students of FASILKOM UI to produce more achievements as our contributions to the society and almamater.