On Monday, July 22nd 2013, Fasilkom UI held an open session for the conferment of doctorate in Computer Science for ElviawatyMuisaZamzami. The session was held in the Auditorium of Faculty of Computer Science UI with the presented dissertation titled “Metode Requirement Recovery danRekonstruksi Requirements dariPerangkatLunakJadidengan Basis End-To-End Interaction” or Requirement Recovery Method and Requirement Reconstruction from Finished Software with End-To-End Interaction Basis.
Requirements are one of the key successes of software engineering and software reengineering. For the sake of requirements engineering and software maintenance, requirements are stored in the requirements document. However, discrepancies in requirements documents are often still happen, because some software changes are not accompanied with changes in the requirements documents. This causes the need of efforts in requirement recovery from the software. The important role of requirements has made requirements recovery as an important research in the area of reverse engineering. Based on this issue, Elviawaty M. Zamzami did research in the area of requirements recovery.
On this research, a method is proposed for requirement recovery based on End-to-End (E-E) Interaction between the user and the software, and to reconstruct the requirements (requirements reconstruction) into an ontology model as requirements documents. The proposed method is named the R3 (Requirements, Recovery and Reconstruction) Method. The method uses (1) Ontology model of WIMP-UI (Window icon menu Pointer – User Interface), which is to modeling interface of software windowing; (2) Ontology model of USI (User Software Interaction), which is to modeling the interaction between the user and the software; and (3) Ontology model of R2UC (Requirements Representation with Use Case), which is to document requirements from finished software. The R3 Method is also combines the ontology model of WIMP-UI and USI to capture the meaning of E-E interaction existence.
This promotion session was led by Dr. MirnaAdriani, with Prof. Dr. HeruSuhartanto as the promoter and Dr. Eko K. Budiardjo as the co-promoter. The examiners team consisted of Dr. OeripSantoso, Dr. PetrusMursanto, Dr. Ade Azurat, Dr. HisarMaruliManurung and Dr. AchmadNizarHidayanto. The dissertation was presented so well and succeeded to get a high-distinction result, which is 3,76. On the closing, the doctoral degree in Computer Science was conferred by Fasilkom UI to Dr. ElviawatyMuisaZamzami. The result of the research is expected to be developed continually and to be applied usefully for software developers.