SDG 7. Affordable and Clean Energy

7. Affordable and Clean Energy

7.2. University measures towards affordable and clean energy

7.2.1. Energy-efficient renovation and building

7.2.2. Upgrade buildings to higher energy efficiency

Kegiatan LED sasi, Kegiatan pemeliharaan lingkungan berkaitan dengan penghijauan, Perencanaan dan Pengawasan berkaitan dengan Pembangunan (Green Building) – Gedung baru, Pembangunan (renovasi) Pembangunan (Greenbuilding Gedung Baru)

Evidence: Document

7.2.3. Carbon reduction and emission reduction process

Fakultas telah mempunyai 6 unit sepeda (Pengadaan 2019)dan 12 unit sepeda (Pengadaan 2021) sebagai kendaraan bebas emisi yang disediakan Fakultas secara gratis. Penggunaan Sepeda masih terbatas hanya untuk staf dan dosen.

Evidence: Document

The Faculty of Computer Science uses energy-efficient electronic devices, such as LED lamps that need less electricity, fans in some rooms to reduce freon usage, also energy-efficient air conditioners and refrigerators. We also use HVAC, which is an integrated system of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. This HVAC tends to be more energy efficient and friendly to the environment than other equipment/devices. Using these energy-saving devices, the Faculty of Computer Science hopes to reduce the carbon emission that we produce.

7.2.4. Plan to reduce energy consumption

Penggunaan lampu LED di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) sudah mencapai rata-rata 50-75%

Evidence: Document

To take energy saving efforts even further, the Faculty of Computer Science plans to use all-in-one PC to reduce the electricity consumption at the faculty. All-in-one PCs need lower electricity and are more convenient to set up.

7.2.5. Energy wastage identification

7.2.6. Divestment policy

7.3.1. Energy usage per sqm

Juli-Des 2020 490,931 KwH dan Jan-Juni 2021 440,655 KwH

7.4. Energy and the community

7.4.1. Local community outreach for energy efficiency

7.4.2. 100% renewable energy pledge

7.4.3. Energy efficiency services for industry

7.4.4. Policy development for clean energy technology

7.4.5. Assistance to low-carbon innovation