SDG 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

16.2. University governance measures

16.2.1 Elected representation

Evidence: BEM Fasilkom (Social Media)

16.2.2. Students’ union

The Faculty of Computer Science recognizes its students’ union and provides support as well as supervision for its students’ union. For legislatives’ functions, there is Majelis Permusyawaratan Mahasiswa (MPM). While for executives’ function, it was handled by Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM). The students’ union in The Faculty of Computer Science held various programmes that support students and social activities. Students’ activities in 2021 were compiled by BEM in an online bulletin accessible for the public.

Evidence: BEM (Social Media)BEM (Social Media)

16.2.5 University principles on corruption and bribery 

Universitas Indonesia published Rector’s Degree number 14 regarding Code of Ethics and Code of Conducts which contained the university’s principles and commitments on organized crime, corruption & bribery.

Evidence: Rector’s Degree number 14 regarding Code of Ethics and Code of Conducts

16.2.6. Academic freedom policy

Following Universitas Indonesia’s policy, The Faculty of Computer Science supports academic freedom. This policy is based on Universitas Indonesia’s vision and mission, according to Indonesian Government Regulation Number 68 of 2013 concerning the Statute of the Universitas Indonesia (UI) and UI’s nine basic values. In fact, academic freedom is one of UI’s nine basic values. It supports the freedom to express responsible thoughts and opinions within the UI environment, demonstrate curiosity and provide creative ideas to encourage innovation and/or make continuous improvement. 

Evidence: Kebijakan , Keputusan MWA

16.3.1 Working with government

Evidence: PANDI,

16.3.2 Policy- and lawmakers outreach and education

Evidence: MTI

16.3.3 Participation in government research

Evidence: Knowledge sharing system

16.3.4 Neutral platform to discuss issues