Bersama dengan ini umumkan kegiatan Guest Lecture yang dilaksanakan pada:
Tanggal | : | Rabu, 8 November 2017 |
Waktu | : | 13.00 – 15.00 WIB |
Tempat | : | Ruang 1213 (Rapat Besar) Gedung A lantai 2 Fasilkom UI Depok |
Topik | : | Recent developments in machine learning |
Pembicara | Prof Ronan Reilly (Associate Vice-President for International Affairs (Asia)) Maynooth University Faculty of Science & Engineering |
Research Interests
Since my PhD I have been interested in studying language understanding and reading. My background in both psychology and computer science has allowed me to exploit computational modelling as a tool for theory development. I am convinced that this is the single most important tool for exploring theory in the behavioral and cognitive sciences.
In terms of specific activities, my research has ranged from work in computational linguistics, computational neuroscience, eye movement modelling, language processing, EEG and eye movement co-registration, and reading in a range of languages (Irish, English, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese) and writing systems (alphabetic, character, and braille). I have carried out reading studies in Thailand (Chulalongkorn University), China (Tianjin Normal University), and the US (Florida State University, Tallahassee). While the ultimate goal of an integrated computational model of reading and language understanding remains elusive, many of the necessary pieces are falling into place. There is a growing body of behavioural, neuroscience and, most importantly, developmental data available to support theory and model building. Computational and statistical resources needed for modelling are increasingly up to the challenge. Reading comprehension, perhaps the most intractable element of the puzzle, may yet yield to a corpus-based approach; a strategy that has proved so successful in the area of computational linguistics.
What is not in doubt, however, is that success will only come from a concerted interdisciplinary research effort; no one discipline has all the pieces of the puzzle and no one discipline can put them all together.
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