On Monday (3/2), Fasilkom UI held an open session for the conferment of doctorate in Computer Science for Ahmad Nurul Fajar. The dissertation is titled “Metode Requirement Analysis in Software Product Line pada Aplikasi E-Government Berdasarkan Peraturan” (Analysis Requirement Method in Software Product Line on E-Government Application Based on Rules). The session was held in the Auditorium of Fasilkom UI at 9.30 WIB. In this research, the researcher focuses on rules in business processes that run in the government. To achieve e-government business process from the existing rules, Business Process Model (BPM) is used. The features brought by BPM allow the characteristics of commonality and variability features. However, the various needs of government have caused many features changes in e-government application. This has caused an installed application cannot work optimally. To solve this, researcher develops Software Product Line (SPL) available in Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) framework. SPLE is a framework that can be used to minimize software development. This research is assessing the requirement analysis method that can accommodate comprehensively using top down and bottom up approach. This open session was led by Mirna Adriani, Ph.D. along with Prof. Zainal A. Hasibuan, Ph.D. as promoter and Dr. Ir. Eko K. Budiardjo, M.Sc. as co-promoter. The examiners were Prof, Dr. Aniati M. Arymurty, Kridanto Surendro, Ph.D., Hisar Maruli Manurung, Ph.D., Bob Hardian Syahbuddin, Ph.D., and Dr. Indra Budi, M. Kom. The dissertation was presented very well and got the highly-distinction result, which is 3,61. As the 27th Doctor from Fasilkom UI, a doctorate in Computer science was conferred to Dr. Ahmad Nurul Fajar. (IP)