Fasilkom UI Doctoral Promotion – Dr. Benny Hardjono

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Traffic jam is one of Indonesia’s major problems. Road users need actual and complete information to monitor, predict, and avoid traffic jam. However, the country has not yet succeeded to systematically gather traffic data and make it applicable. One way to gather data systematically is by using smartphone with GPS as traffic sensor. This method can complement the pre-existing non-intrusive methods. Using non-intrusive sensors to gather traffic data is more practical and cheaper to implement compared to using intrusive sensors like inductive loop sensor which needs to be embedded in the roads.

The use of smartphone with GPS to gather traffic data is the main research topic of Benny Hardjono in his dissertation, Modifikasi Model Kendaraan Lalu Lintas Makroskopi untuk Zona Deteksi Maya di Telepon Cerdas (Modified Macroscopic Traffic Vehicle Modeling for Smart Phone’s Virtual Detection Zone). This new method, which by the researcher has been named Virtual Detection Zone (VDZ), has been proposed, tested, and proven to be able to provide traffic data via an embedded application in a smartphone with GPS, carried by agents. The experiments show that VDZ method has been able to map match against the pre-determined GPS coordinates-check points using Google Map and gather data in high accuracy. It makes short-term traffic prediction without intrusive sensor becomes possible.

This dissertation was presented in an open session for Computer Science doctorate conferment on June 25, 2015, in Room 1213 Building A Fasilkom UI. The session was led by Mirna Adriani, Ph.D. and invited 5 examiners, which were Dr. Petrus Mursanto, Dr. Agus Buono, Hisar Maruli Manurung, Ph.D., M. Ivan Fanany, Ph.D., and Setiadi Yazid, Ph.D. The session was also attended by Prof. Dr. Aniati Murni and Dr. Eng. Wisnu Jatmiko as promoter and co-promoter. The dissertation was marked as highly distinctive, and a doctorate in Computer Science was then conferred to Dr. Benny Hardjono as the 43rd graduate from Fasilkom Doctoral Program. (SA)