Seminar Reboan: Super-resolution for Learning Visual Representation (20 November 2019)

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia > Pengumuman > Seminar Reboan: Super-resolution for Learning Visual Representation (20 November 2019)

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Tanggal : Rabu, 20 November 2019
Waktu : 13:00 – 14:00 WIB
Tempat : Ruang 1213, Gedung A lantai 2, Fasilkom UI Depok
Topik : Super-resolution for Learning Visual Representations:
Application to Tiny Object Detection
Pembicara : Dr. Eng. Muhammad Haris (Postdoctoral fellow di Intelligent Information Media Laboratory, Toyota Technological Institute)


Super-Resolution (SR) is an ill-posed inverse problem where the aim is to recover a high-resolution (HR) image from a low-resolution (LR) image. We consider how image super-resolution (SR) can contribute to an object detection task in low-resolution images. Intuitively, SR gives a positive impact on the object detection task. While several previous works demonstrated that this intuition is correct, SR and detector are optimized independently in these works. This paper proposes a novel framework to train a deep neural network where the SR sub-network explicitly incorporates a detection loss in its training objective, via a tradeoff with a traditional detection loss. This end-to-end training procedure allows us to train SR preprocessing for any differentiable detector. We demonstrate extensive experiments that show our task-driven SR consistently and significantly improves the accuracy of an object detector on low-resolution images for a variety of conditions and scaling factors.

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