Tiket.com is hiring massively for these positions Front End EngineerTech LeadSoftware QA LeadAndroid/IOS EngineerProduct Manager Those who are interested in applying can be e-mailed to hr [at] tiket.comRead More
We would like to announce the schedule of Doctoral Promotion for Dewi Yanti Liliana, which is being held on: Date : Monday, 27 May 2019 Time : 10:00-12:00 AM Location : Auditorium, Building B, Fasilkom UI Depok Title of Dissertation : “Pengembangan Framework Pengenalan Emosi pada Ekspresi Wajah Melalui Analisis Linguistik dan Semantik Komponen Wajah...Read More
Kami sampaikan pengumuman jadwal Sidang Promosi Doktor Ilmu Komputer Sdri. Dewi Yanti Liliana, yang diselenggarakan pada: Tanggal : Senin, 27 Mei 2019 Waktu : 10:00-12:00 WIB Tempat : Auditorium, Gedung B, Fasilkom UI Depok Judul Disertasi : “Pengembangan Framework Pengenalan Emosi pada Ekspresi Wajah Melalui Analisis Linguistik dan Semantik Komponen Wajah Berbasis Konsep Fuzzy Emotion”...Read More
PT.Jababeka Tbk is looking for corporate marketing staff with a web programmer background in Jakarta. Job description: Assisting the marketing of property units, especially in the marketing communications section (digital ads), editing websites with page builders (elementor / visual composer) and other promotional marketing activities. Criteria Have a work initiative, without having to be supervised,...Read More
A mission-driven ride for undergraduates and young local talents to develop and make a tremendous positive impact on #TechForGood Find Out the details and sign up here!: bit.ly/GrabTechFutureLeader2019 Registration period: may 16th – May 31st 2019Read More
Kamis (16/5), Fasilkom UI menyelenggarakan pameran hasil karya mahasiswa Fasilkom UI. Melalui kelas Proyek Perangkat Lunak (PPL) yang merupakan mata kuliah jurusan Ilmu Komputer Fasilkom UI, mengajarkan kepada mahasiswa bagaimana cara membangun dan menghasilkan sebuah karya/aplikasi baik berbasis website maupun mobile. Dengan total 166 mahasiswa, kelas PPL pada tahun ini berhasil pamerkan sebanyak 28 aplikasi...Read More
Sabtu (4/5), Fasilkom UI selenggarakan acara puncak CGT (Computer Get Together) dengan judul CGT in Action. Acara dibuka dengan sambutan dari Bapak Yugo K. Isal, selaku perwakilan pimpinan Fasilkom UI dan Wildan Fahmi Gunawan, selaku Ketua BEM Fasilkom UI. Laporan kegiatan CGT in Action disampaikan oleh Project Officer dan Vice Project Office dari CGT 2019....Read More
Learn Quran Tajwid (LQTajwid)’s mission is to provide the best solution to learn to recite Quran. Using the power of IT, LQTajwid has been used by more than 1.5 million people in more than 150 countries. For us, working in LQ is dunya and akhirah work. For more information, visit www.tajwid.learn-quran.co We are looking for a...Read More
earn Quran Tajwid (LQTajwid)’s mission is to provide the best solution to learn to recite Quran. Using the power of IT, LQTajwid has been used by more than 1.5 million people in more than 150 countries. For us, working in LQ is dunya and akhirah work. For more information, visit www.tajwid.learn-quran.co We are looking for an...Read More
Hello!PT Ecomindo Saranacipta opens online recruitment Position: Junior Programmer (Full Time)Industry: Consulting (IT, Science, Engineering & Technical)Experience: There is no minimum experienceLocation: Kuningan, South JakartaRequirements: Highly motivated candidateHave the ability to work alone or in a team, and be able to achieve given targets within a certain timeWilling and eager to learnFocus on technology, proactive...Read More
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