Seminar: Machine Learning dan Penerapannya di Industri (13 Juni 2019)

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Tanggal : Kamis, 13 Juni 2019
Waktu : 13:00 – 15:00 WIB
Tempat : Ruang 1213 Gedung A lantai 2, Fasilkom UI Depok
Topik : Machine Learning dan Penerapannya di Industri
Pembicara : Arridhana Ciptadi, Ph.D.

Principal Machine Learning Scientist & Engineer, Blue Hexagon Inc. (San Francisco, USA)

In the past few years, a lot of the success stories in artificial intelligence can be attributed to deep learning. From translating sentences to powering the perception system in self driving cars, deep learning is poised to make outsized impacts across a multitude of industries. This has lead to a lot of excitements and hype such that it is difficult to separate facts from noise. In this talk, I will present a higher level view of the whole deep learning domain. I will discuss the relationship between AI, machine learning, and deep learning, as well as walk us through the history of deep learning. Finally, I will give an overview of some exciting recent deep learning applications (including some cool videos of car drifting!).

Arridhana Ciptadi is a principal machine learning scientist in Blue Hexagon, where leads the machine learning platform team to develop new methods to apply deep learning in cyber security. Previously, as a machine learning scientist in Amazon he worked on various projects to  give Alexa the power to interpret images and videos. He was brought up in Indonesian public school system (SD, SMP, SMA) and holds a PhD in Computer Science from Georgia Institute of Technology. He has  published multiple papers in the top conferences in machine learning and computer vision.

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