Public Lecture: Getting to Know Jakarta’s Smart City Program

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On Tuesday, December 15, 2015, Fasilkom UI formed a partnership with Jakarta’s government to hold a public lecture that invites Jakarta Governor, Basuki Purnama Tjahadja ‘Ahok’, as the guest speaker. Bringing up the issue of smart city, this event was held at Gedung Agung, Balaikota, Jakarta.

In this occasion, Ahok explains the main feature offered by Jakarta’s Smart City Program, which is the data disclosure. Ahok declared that this feature is expected to provide such maximum and real time information to the public. Furthermore, he expects that this program is able to provide benefits to the youth in Indonesia who are interested in developing applications to support the smart city construction. This program has been announced on the government’s official website, presenting a variety of features and online applications.

According to Ahok, building a smart city is not an easy job, but Ahok is attempting to utilize the current policy by mobilizing his entire team and inviting other parties to contribute in the city’s development. One of them is the application Go-Busway. In collaboration with GOJEK, Ahok encourage the use of Go-Busway to also function as the source to provide real-time information on the implementation and location of the Trans-Jakarta at any time. Ahok mentioned that this application is not only beneficial to Trans-Jakarta itself, but also for the government who monitors the condition of public transportation in Jakarta.

In addition to explaining various applications that support the Smart City program, Ahok also offered chances to all participants who are students of the Graduate program in Fasilkom UI to participate in building Jakarta. This event also invited the Dean of Fasilkom UI, Mirna Adriani, along with several lecturers such as Yudho Giri Sucahyo, Yova Ruldeviyani, and Indra Budi. Iik Karunia, Jakarta’s Head of Communication, Informatics and Public Relations Department who take part as the chief and the system PIC for this program, also attended this event.