Overall Winner Gemastik 2014

Students of Faculty of Computer Science UI succeeded to achieve the title of Overall Winner of GEMASTIK 2014 (Pagelaran Mahasiswa Nasional bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi – National Students Exhibition on Communication and Information Technology). The event was held in Gajah Mada University on November 25 – 27, 2014. UI team consisted of 41 Fasilkom students and one FMIPA (Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science) student. The team managed to defend the GEMASTIK Annual Trophy by achieving three golds, 1 silver, and 2 bronzes.

The gold medals are achieved by teams from the category of Programming, Network Security, and Software Development. The silver comes from the team of UX Design category, and the bronzes are from teams in the category of Business Play and Game Development.

UI team expresses gratitude for every Supervisor that has supported the team and especially for the students involved in UI team that has worked very hard to get the Overall Winner title for UI for two years straight.

Gold Medals ‘Andalusia Team’, from the category of Network Security

  • Zaka Zaidan Azminur (Information System, 2011)
  • Fariskhi Vidyan (Computer Science, 2012)
  • Kurniagusta Dwinto (Computer Science, 2011)

‘Bikun Mania Team’, from the category of Software Development

  • Fauzan Helmi Sudaryanto (Computer Science, 2011)
  • Ginanjar Ibnu Solikhin (Computer Science, 2011)
  • Kenneth Vincent (Computer Science, 2011)

‘Sepiring Bertiga Team’, from the category of Programming

  • Pusaka Kaleb Setyabudi (Computer Science, 2013)
  • Ammar Fathin Sabili (Computer Science, 2013)
  • Rakina Zata Amni (Imu Komputer, 2013)

Silver Medal ‘Kolang Kaling Team’, from the category of UX Design

  • Shirley Anugrah Hayati (Computer Science, 2012)
  • Tyas Kusuma Handayani (Computer Science, 2012)
  • Victoria Anugrah Lestari (Computer Science, 2011)

Bronze Medals ‘Kutek Seberang Team’, from the category of Business Play

  • Windu Masardi (Computer Science, 2011)
  • Astri Purwadhanty (Computer Science 2011)
  • Bagas Cita Graha (Computer Science, 2011)

‘Pandago Team’, from the category of Game Development

  • Galih Risky Ramadhani (Information System, 2011)
  • Rasmunandar Rustam (Computer Science, 2011)
  • Caraka Nur Azmi (Information System, 2011)
  • Shylla Estee Pramadhani (Computer Science, 2013)