On Wednesday (20/8), POMDA (Persatuan Orang tua Mahasiswa, Dosen dan Alumni – Parents, Students, and Lecturers Union) of Fasilkom UI held a meeting with parents of newly admitted 2014 students at room 3111-3112 building C Fasilkom UI, Depok. The event was aimed to introduce the educational facilities and student activities in Fasilkom UI to the parents. The event, that was attended by 250 parents, was divided into two sessions for parents of Computer Science students (Regular, Parallel, and International Class) and parents of Information System students (Regular and Parallel).
The event was started by the Dean of Fasilkom UI, Mrs. Mirna Adriani, followed by introduction of academic communities in Fasilkom UI. Besides, Mr. Hisar Maruli Manurung (Coordinator of Computer Science) and Mrs. Siti Aminah (Manager of Education and Student Affairs) also gave presentations about the process of studying Computer Science. On the second session, the information about Information System was presented by Mr. A. Nizar Hidayanto (Coordinator of Information System) and Mr. Petrus Mursanto (Vice Dean of Education, Research, and Student Affairs).
The head of POMDA, Mr. Prihandoko and Mrs. Kasiyah (Vide Dean of Resources, Ventures and Administration) also gave introduction about POMDA activities in Fasilkom UI. On the last session, the Committee of New Student Admission of Fasilkom UI explained the student activities to the parents.
The committee of POMDA hopes that this event can give further explanation and understanding about activities on Fasilkom UI to the parents as well as giving the chance to the parents to be a foster parent to Fasilkom UI students who need financial supports. “I am really grateful and thankful for the chance of getting scholarship from POMDA. I’m sure that without the help from my foster parent (POMDA), I will not survive in Fasilkom UI. Thank you very much,” said M. Afifun, Computer Science batch 2011 and a POMDA scholarship grantee.