SDG 8. Decent Work & Economic Growth

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

8.2.1. Employment practice

Following Rector’s Decree Number 033 Year 2018 concerning Human Resources Management, employment practices in the Faculty of Computer Science included a livable wage for personnel, union recognition, anti-exploitation policies, an appeals process, and an outsourcing policy. All employees are paid at least the living wage, which is referred to as the local living wage (Regional Minimum Wage). Employment practices are based on the principles of professionalism, justice, and equal rights that do not differentiate people on the basis of ethnicity, religion, race, and gender and provide equal rights for persons with disabilities.

Evidence: Rector’s Decree Number 033 Year 2018 concerning Human Resources Management

8.2.2. Employment practice unions

8.2.3. Employment policy on discrimination

8.2.4. Employment policy modern slavery

8.2.5. Employment practice equivalent rights outsourcing

8.2.6. Employment policy pay scale equity

8.2.7. Tracking pay scale for gender equity

8.2.8. Employment practice appeal process

8.3.1. Expenditure per employee

8.4.1. Proportion of students taking work placements

8.5.1 Proportion of employees on secure contracts