Program Studi

Sarjana Ilmu Komputer (Kelas Internasional)

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia > Sarjana Ilmu Komputer (Kelas Internasional)

International Undergraduate Program in Computer Science

Since 2002, the Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia has been collaborating with several partner universities to offer an International Undergraduate Program in Computer Science/Information Technology. This program prepares students to become graduates who can tackle challenges in the era of globalization, compete in regional and international job markets, and be able to pursue further advanced degrees. The program is run by highly qualified and experienced lecturers in the fields of computer science and information technology from the faculty and our partner universities, namely:

Partner Universities

The School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at the University of Queensland (UQ)
The College of Engineering & Computer Science at the Australian National University (ANU)

The School of Information Technology at Deakin University

The School of Computer Science at University of Birmingham (UoB)


The School of Computing Technologies, RMIT University 

The computer science study program is designed to produce graduates who master computer science and have global perspectives, insights, and are responsive to problems in society.

Why Take This Program

The advantages of this program:

  • High-quality education from reputable universities in Indonesia and overseas.
  • As an international student, you will have a unique opportunity to be part of this exciting program with a proven track record, that allows you to earn two Bachelor’s degrees: Sarjana Ilmu Komputer (S.Kom.) from UI and Bachelor of Information Technology or Bachelor of Computer Science from a partner university. For ANU, Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours) will be awarded. For the University of Birmingham, students may choose either B.Sc. Computer Science or B.Sc. Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. For RMIT University, students may choose B.Sc. of Information Technology.
  • Lower study fees compared to taking a full-time undergraduate study at a partner university abroad.
  • All courses offered both at Fasilkom UI and the partner university, are delivered in English.
  • Intensive courses are conducted in small classes.


This is a 4-year program (8 semesters). Depending on the degree offered by partner universities, the program is arranged as:

  • 2.5 + 1.5 scheme, i.e., semester 1 – 5 at Fasilkom UI and semester 6 – 8 at a partner university (UQ* or RMIT University)
  • 2 + 2 scheme, i.e., semester 1 – 4 at Fasilkom UI and semester 5 – 8 at a partner university (ANU, Deakin U., or Univ. Birmingham)

*) Depending on the majors offered by UQ, a variation of 2.5 + 2 scheme may apply.

Areas of Interest

Courses offered by both UI and Partner Universities cover areas including (but not limited to):

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Systems and Architecture
  • Theoretical Computer Science
  • Cyber Security
  • Data Science
  • Scientific Computing
  • Enterprise Information Systems
  • Software Engineering
  • User Experience Design
  • Game Development
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality

Admission Requirements

  • Completion of high school (SMA) or equivalent programs within the last five years (high school graduates who are well-versed in science and mathematics).
  • Satisfying English language requirement of Institutional TOEFL, certified by ETS (PBT score of 500 or iBT score of 61 or CBT score of 173) or IELTS score of 5.5.
  • Passing the UI Entrance Examination for the International Undergraduate Program.
  • Information on registration and admission:
  • Information for international students:


Those tranferring to UQ, Deakin, and ANU

Semester 1

  • Calculus 1
  • Linear Algebra
  • Discrete Mathematics 1
  • Foundation of Programming 1
  • Introduction to Digital Systems

Semester 2

  • Calculus 2
  • Discrete Mathematics 2
  • Foundation of Programming 2
  • Introduction to Computer Organization
  • Data Structures & Algorithms

Semester 3

  • Operating Systems
  • Statistics & Probability
  • Platform-based Development
  • Databases
  • Automata & Theory of Languages

Semester 4

  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Advanced Programming
  • Intro. to AI & Data Science
  • Computer Networks & Security
  • Software Engineering

Semester 5

  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Scientific Writing & Research Methodology
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Software Engineering Projects
  • Computer & Society

Semester 6, 7, 8

  • Courses (Overseas Study)

Note: Students who wish to transfer to ANU, Deakin, and U. of Birmingham will have to complete UI’s mandatory courses with equivalent ones at those three partner universities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the International Undergraduate Program and the Regular Undergraduate Program regarding study offered in the program?

The International Undergraduate Program will award two degrees, namely Sarjana Ilmu Komputer (S. Kom.) from Universitas Indonesia and either Bachelor of Information Technology or Bachelor of Computer Science from a partner university. For ANU, Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours) will be awarded. For the University of Birmingham, students may choose either B.Sc. Computer Science or B.Sc. Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science.

The curriculum is relatively the same, though the structure of the curriculum is somewhat different, due to adjustment to the curriculum of partner universities. The substance of the courses is nevertheless the same.

What is the time limit or the maximum term that a student should complete his/her study in both institutions?

Following the current UI’s regulation, the total period of study in both institutions is at most 12 semesters.

What is the procedure for an international student who wishes to study in the International Undergraduate Program at Fasilkom UI?

Kontak Fasilkom UI

Hubungan Masyarakat

Gedung A, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universias Indonesia, Depok, 
Jawa Barat

+62 21 786 3419

Senin – Jum’at 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Pusat Pendidikan
Kehidupan Kampus
Jaringan Alumni

Kenapa Memilih Fasilkom UI?

Di jaman yang serba digital ini, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) menawarkan pendidikan di bidang ilmu komputer dan sistem informasi yang berkualitas global. Simaklah video di samping ini mengenai bagaimana kamu dapat mengubah masa depan dunia di Fasilkom UI.

Belajar, Bersosialisasi, dan Berorganisasi

Tidak hanya sebagai pusat pendidikan ilmu komputer dan sistem informasi, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia juga dikenal mempunyai kehidupan kampus yang dinamis. Simak video kehidupan kampus mahasiswa Fasilkom UI di samping.

Testimoni Alumni Fasilkom UI

Jejaring alumni Fasilkom UI menjangkau tidak hanya daerah-daerah di Indonesia, namun juga di luar negeri. Alumni Fasilkom UI bekerja di berbagai perusahaan nasional dan multinasional, instansi-instansi pemerintah, serta mendirikan usaha atau startup sendiri. Simak beberapa testimoni dari alumni Fasilkom  UI pada video di samping.

Graduate Profile

The graduates of the Fasilkom UI Undergraduate Computer Science Study Program are regarded by the industry as high-quality experts in the field of computer science and information technology. The results of an alumni tracking study show that 90% of graduates of the Undergraduate Computer Science Study Program found jobs less than three months after graduating.

According to surveys that are conducted regularly, most Fasilkom UI graduates work at home and abroad in various national and multinational companies engaged in information technology consulting, banking, the software industry and other services. Others work in government institutions / universities, or continue their education to a higher level (Masters or Doctorate) at home and abroad. In addition, many graduates are directly involved in building startup companies to meet market needs in the information technology sector through innovative products and services.

Admissions for new students for the 2023/2024 school year have been opened. Information on admission pathways and student admission schedules, as well as complete online registration for prospective students can be accessed via the following links.