Dinial Utami Nurul Qomariah adalah seorang dosen di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI).
Dr. (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November)
M.Kom. (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November)
S.ST. (Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya)
Publikasi Pilihan
Qomariah, D. U. N., Tjandrasa, H., & Fatichah, C. (2019, July). Classification of diabetic retinopathy and normal retinal images using CNN and SVM. In 2019 12th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and System (ICTS) (pp. 152-157). IEEE.
Qomariah, D. U. N., & Tjandrasa, H. (2017, October). Exudate detection in retinal fundus images using combination of mathematical morphology and Renyi entropy thresholding. In 2017 11th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and System (ICTS) (pp. 31-36). IEEE.
Qomariah, D., Nopember, I. T. S., Tjandrasa, H., & Fatichah, C. (2021). Segmentation of microaneurysms for early detection of diabetic retinopathy using MResUNet. Int. J. Intell. Eng. Syst, 14, 359-373.