
Educare 2019: Entrepreneurship Seminar dan Scholarship Talkshow

Greetings, Edu Friends! Educare 2019 is around the corner. What is Educare? Education and Career Days, or more familiarly known as EDUCARE, is a series of events under the Students Association and the Islamic Forum of the Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia. The main purpose of our event is to help students decide their […]

Educare 2019: Entrepreneurship Seminar dan Scholarship Talkshow

Aula Gedung B

Halo, Sobat Edu! Educare 2019 akan segera hadir, lo. Apa itu Educare? Education and Career Days atau lebih dikenal dengan nama EDUCARE adalah rangkaian kegiatan yang dibawahi oleh BEM & FUKI Fasilkom UI. Tujuan utama kami adalah membantu mahasiswa dalam menentukan pilihan karirnya dan membekali mahasiswa dengan edukasi untuk kehidupan pasca kampus, melalui kegiatan-kegiatan seperti […]