Gedung A, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Indonesia, Depok

Prof. Drs. T. Basaruddin, M.Sc., Ph.D.


Prof. T. Basaruddin, or more often called Pak Chan, was born in Lesson Village, Kaur District, Bengkulu Province on November 25 1961. After completing his elementary school education at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, he continued on to the Religious Teacher Education (PGA) school in Manna – South Bengkulu , and while sitting in class III took the junior high school exams. After pocketing a junior high school diploma, proceed to senior high school at SMA N I Manna. Finished high school proceed to Gadjah Mada University majoring in Mathematics, which was completed in 4.5 years with Cum Laude predicate at the end of 1984. Early 1985 joined staff at the Center for Computer Science – University of Indonesia. In 1986 he continued his education in Computing at the University of Manchester (England), and received a Master of Science degree in 1988 and a Ph.D in 1990. In 2019 he received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Management Science University – Malaysia for field of Higher Education Quality and Management.

Upon returning from the UK, he immediately became active as a teacher in the Computer Science Study Program – UI. When the Faculty of Computer Science UI opened in 1993, he served as Deputy Dean I (academic affairs) and held that position until 2000. From 2002 to 2005 he was Secretary of the Higher Education Council (DPT) at the Directorate General of Higher Education. In 2004 he was appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science UI until December 2013. In 2016 he was appointed as Director of the Executive Board of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) for a 5 year term. 

Internationally known as an expert consultant in the field of higher education development, and has served as a consultant in Sri Lanka, Jordan and Mongolia. In addition, he is also active in various international quality assurance organizations. 2017-2020 as President of ASEAN Quality Assurance Network (AQAN). In 2017 – 2019 as Vice President of The Association of Higher Education Accreditation Agencies in Islamic World (IQA), then 2019-2021 as President.


  • Ph.D. (Computing, University Of Manchester)
  • M.Sc. (Computing, University Of Manchester)
  • Drs. (Matematika, Universitas Gadjah Mada)

Selected Publication

  • Adnan, R., Saputra, M. A., Fadlil, J., Ezerman, M. F., Iqbal, M., & Basaruddin, T. (2021). Learning GANs in Simultaneous Game Using Sinkhorn With Positive Features. IEEE Access, 9, 144361-144374.
  • Maghfira, T. N., Basaruddin, T., & Krisnadhi, A. (2020, April). Infant cry classification using cnn–rnn. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1528, No. 1, p. 012019). IOP Publishing.
  • Setiyoko, A., Basaruddin, T., & Arymurthy, A. M. (2020). Minimax Approach for Semivariogram Fitting in Ordinary Kriging. IEEE Access, 8, 82054-82065.
  • Liliana, D. Y., Basaruddin, T., Widyanto, M. R., & Oriza, I. I. D. (2019). High-level fuzzy linguistic features of facial components in human emotion recognition. Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 19(1), 103-129.
  • Liliana, D. Y., Basaruddin, T., Widyanto, M. R., & Oriza, I. I. D. (2019). Fuzzy emotion: a natural approach to automatic facial expression recognition from psychological perspective using fuzzy system. Cognitive processing, 20(4), 391-403.
  • Setiyoko, A., Arymurthy, A. M., & Basaruddin, T. (2019). DEM fusion concept based on the LS-SVM cokriging method. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 10(4), 244-262.
  • Setiyoko, A., Arymurthy, A. M., Basaruddin, T., & Arief, R. (2019, August). Semivariogram fitting based on SVM and GPR for DEM interpolation. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 311, No. 1, p. 012076). IOP Publishing.
  • Buono, A., Jatmiko, W., Administrator, J., Suhartanto, H., Arymurthy, A. M., Widyanto, M. R., ... & Krisnadhi, A. A. (Eds.). (2019). APPLICATION OF THE FORWARD CHAINING METHOD IN DOWN SYNDROME PATIENTS. Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informasi, 12(2).
  • Iqbal, M., Adnan, R., Widyanto, M. R., & Basaruddin, T. (2019, January). Evaluation Study of Unsupervised Face-to-Face Translation using Generative Adversarial Networks. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing (pp. 226-231).
  • Putra, D. H., & Basaruddin, T. (2019, January). Face Reconstruction with Generative Adversarial Network. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing (pp. 181-185).
  • Pitaloka, D. A., Wulandari, A., Basaruddin, T., & Liliana, D. Y. (2017). Enhancing CNN with preprocessing stage in automatic emotion recognition. Procedia computer science, 116, 523-529.
  • Santoso, H. B., Isal, R. Y. K., Basaruddin, T., Sadita, L., & Schrepp, M. (2014, September). In-progress: User experience evaluation of Student Centered E-Learning Environment for computer science program. In 2014 3rd International Conference on User Science and Engineering (i-USEr) (pp. 52-55). IEEE.
  • Merindasari, E., Widyanto, M. R., & Basaruddin, T. (2019, January). An overview of learning algorithms and inference techniques on restricted boltzmann machines (rbms). In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management (pp. 16-20).
  • Pebiana, S., Widyanto, M. R., Basaruddin, T., & Liliana, D. Y. (2019, January). Enhancing Facial Component Analysis. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management (pp. 175-179).
  • Liliana, D. Y., Basaruddin, T., & Oriza, I. I. D. (2018, November). The Indonesian Mixed Emotion Dataset (IMED) A Facial Expression Dataset for Mixed Emotion Recognition. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (pp. 56-60).
  • Liliana, D. Y., Widyanto, M. R., & Basaruddin, T. (2018, October). Geometric Facial Components Feature Extraction for Facial Expression Recognition. In 2018 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) (pp. 391-396). IEEE.
  • Liliana, D. Y., & Basaruddin, T. (2018, October). Review of automatic emotion recognition through facial expression analysis. In 2018 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS) (pp. 231-236). IEEE.
  • Mamonto, N. E., Maulana, H., Liliana, D. Y., & Basaruddin, T. (2018, February). Multimedia Content Development as a Facial Expression Datasets for Recognition of Human Emotions. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 306, No. 1, p. 012050). IOP Publishing.
  • Setiawan, F. A., Budiardjo, E. K., Basaruddin, T., & Aminah, S. (2017, December). A Systematic Literature Review on Combining Ontology with Bayesian Network to Support Logical and Probabilistic Reasoning. In Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Software and e-Business (pp. 1-12).
  • Pratiwi, N., Widyanto, M. R., Basaruddin, T., & Liliana, D. Y. (2017, December). Nonlinear Fuzzy Robust PCA on Shape Modelling of Active Appearance Model for Facial Expression Recognition. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Video and Image Processing (pp. 68-72).
  • Gylberth, R., Adnan, R., Yazid, S., & Basaruddin, T. (2017, October). Differentially private optimization algorithms for deep neural networks. In 2017 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) (pp. 387-394). IEEE.
  • Liliana, D. Y., & Basaruddin, C. (2017, August). A review on conditional random fields as a sequential classifier in machine learning. In 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS) (pp. 143-148). IEEE.
  • Komalasari, D., Widyanto, M. R., Basaruddin, T., & Liliana, D. Y. (2017, August). Shape analysis using generalized Procrustes analysis on Active Appearance Model for facial expression recognition. In 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS) (pp. 154-159). IEEE.
  • Liliana, D. Y., Basaruddin, C., & Widyanto, M. R. (2017, August). Mix emotion recognition from facial expression using SVM-CRF sequence classifier. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Systems (pp. 27-31).
  • Veritawati, I., Wasito, I., & Basaruddin, T. (2017). Text interpretation using a modified process of the ontology and sparse clustering. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 95(5), 1019-1028.
  • Budiman, A., Fanany, M. I., & Basaruddin, C. (2017). Adaptive Parallel ELM with Convolutional Features for Big Stream Data (Doctoral dissertation, Thesis Dissertation, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia).
  • Pitaloka, D. A., Wulandari, A., Basaruddin, T., & Liliana, D. Y. (2017). Enhancing CNN with preprocessing stage in automatic emotion recognition. Procedia computer science, 116, 523-529.
  • Sadikin, M., Fanany, M. I., & Basaruddin, T. (2016). A new data representation based on training data characteristics to extract drug name entity in medical text. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2016.
  • Liliana, D. Y., Widyanto, M. R., & Basaruddin, T. (2016, October). Human emotion recognition based on active appearance model and semi-supervised fuzzy C-means. In 2016 international conference on advanced computer science and information systems (ICACSIS) (pp. 439-445). IEEE.
  • Budiman, A., Fanany, M. I., & Basaruddin, C. (2016). Adaptive convolutional ELM for concept drift handling in online stream data. arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.02348.
  • Budiman, A., Fanany, M. I., & Basaruddin, C. (2016). Distributed averaging CNN-ELM for big data. arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.02373.
  • Mujiono, S., Fanany, M. I., & Basaruddin, C. (2016). A New Data Representation Based on Training Data Characteristics to Extract Drug Named-Entity in Medical Text. arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.01891.
  • Budiman, A., Fanany, M. I., & Basaruddin, C. (2016). Adaptive online sequential ELM for concept drift tackling. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2016.
  • Budiman, A., Fanany, M. I., & Basaruddin, C. (2015, October). Online marginalized linear stacked denoising autoencoders for learning from big data stream. In 2015 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) (pp. 227-235). IEEE.
  • Veritawati, I., Wasito, I., & Basaruddin, T. (2015). Text Preprocessing using Annotated Suffix Tree with Matching Keyphrase. International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708), 5(3).
  • Mulyono, S., Amri, M., Fanany, M. I., & Basaruddin, T. (2015, March). Kernel-Based Regularized Learning for Time-Invariant Detection of Paddy Growth Stages from MODIS Data. In Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (pp. 513-525). Springer, Cham.
  • Siradjuddin, I. A., Widyanto, M. R., & Basaruddin, T. (2012). Particle filter with Gaussian weighting for human tracking. TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 10(6), 1453-1457.
  • Suhartanto, H., Yanuar, A., Bustamam, A., Basaruddin, T., Azizah, A. Y., Wibisono, A., ... & Hermawan, D. (2015). Using Dedicated and Non Dedicated HPC Cluster and GPU NVIDIA Tesla C2070 Cloud computing environment to simulate Molecular Dynamics of PfENR Enzyme with AMBER. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 7(2), 30.
  • Veritawati, I., Wasito, I., & Basaruddin, T. (2015). Text Preprocessing using Annotated Suffix Tree with Matching Keyphrase. International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708), 5(3).
  • Mulyono, S., Sadly, M., Fanany, M. I., & Basaruddin, T. (2015). A new heuristic decision tree and timeinvariant detection of paddy growth stages from MODIS data. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 71(3), 430-439.
  • Budiman, A., Fanany, M. I., & Basaruddin, C. (2014, October). Stacked denoising autoencoder for feature representation learning in pose-based action recognition. In 2014 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE) (pp. 684-688). IEEE.
  • Santoso, H. B., Isal, R. Y. K., Basaruddin, T., Sadita, L., & Schrepp, M. (2014, September). in-progress: User experience evaluation of Student Centered E-Learning Environment for computer science program. In 2014 3rd International Conference on User Science and Engineering (i-USEr) (pp. 52-55). IEEE.
  • Budiman, A., Fanany, M. I., & Basaruddin, C. (2014, August). Constructive, robust and adaptive OS-ELM in human action recognition. In 2014 International Conference on Industrial Automation, Information and Communications Technology (pp. 39-45). IEEE.
  • Imah, E. M., Jatmiko, W., & Basaruddin, T. (2013). Electrocardiogram for biometrics by using Adaptive Multilayer Generalized Learning Vector Quantization (AMGLVQ): integrating feature extraction and classification. International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 6(5).
  • Niu, W., & Bhatnagar, R. (2003, May). Mining Temporal Databases for Subsequence Patterns. In Proceedings of the 2003 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (pp. 336-340). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
  • Mulyono, S., Pianto, T. A., Fanany, M. I., & Basaruddin, T. (2013, September). An ensemble incremental approach of Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) For paddy growth stages classification using MODIS remote sensing images. In 2013 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) (pp. 309-314). IEEE.
  • Mulyono, S., Fanany, M. I., & Basaruddin, T. (2012, December). A paddy growth stages classification using modis remote sensing images with balanced branches support vector machines. In 2012 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) (pp. 203-206). IEEE.
  • Imah, E. M., Jatmiko, W., & Basaruddin, T. (2012, October). Adaptive Multilayer Generalized Learning Vector Quantization (AMGLVQ) as new algorithm with integrating feature extraction and classification for Arrhythmia heartbeats classification. In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) (pp. 150-155). IEEE.
  • Siradjuddin, I. A., Widyanto, M. R., & Basaruddin, T. (2012). Particle filter with Gaussian weighting for human tracking. TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 10(6), 1453-1457.
  • Nugraha, A. S., & Basaruddin, T. (2012, September). Analysis and comparison of QR decomposition algorithm in some types of matrix. In 2012 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS) (pp. 561-565). IEEE.
  • Mulyono, S., Fanany, M. I., & Basaruddin, T. (2012, July). Genetic algorithm based new sequence of principal component regression (GA-NSPCR) for feature selection and yield prediction using hyperspectral remote sensing data. In 2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 4198-4201). IEEE.
  • Dorohonceanu, B., & Nevill-Manning, C. (2000). A Practical Suffix-Tree Implementation for String Searches. Dr. Dobb's Journal: Software Tools for the Professional Programmer, 25(7), 133-137.
  • Basaruddin, T. (2011, December). Welcome message from the dean of faculty of computer science, Universitas Indonesia. In ICACSIS 2011-2011 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems, Proceedings (p. 6140730).
  • Imah, E. M., Al Afif, F., Fanany, M. I., Jatmiko, W., & Basaruddin, T. (2011, November). A comparative study on Daubechies Wavelet Transformation, Kernel PCA and PCA as feature extractors for arrhythmia detection using SVM. In TENCON 2011-2011 IEEE Region 10 Conference (pp. 5-9). IEEE.
  • Chitrahadi, E., & Basaruddin, C. (2011, October). Evaluation of image enhancement quality measure in Robust PCA for Image Specularities Removal. In 2011 5th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  • Mardiko, R., & Basaruddin, T. (2011). Evaluasi Skema Watermarking citra berbasis singular value decomposition, kuantisasi dither, dan deteksi sisi. Makara Journal of Science.
  • Mulyono, S., Piantari, E., Fanany, M. I., & Basaruddin, T. (2011). Pemilihan Fitur Citra Hiperspektral Hymap Dan Model Prediksi Panen Padi Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika Dan Regresi Komponen Utama (Feature selection of Hyperspectral remote sensing and prediction model with genetic algorithm and principal component regression). Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT).
  • Imah, E. M., & Basaruddin, T. (2011). Klasifikasi Beat Aritmia Pada Sinyal EKG Menggunakan Fuzzy Wavelet Learning Vector Quantization. Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informasi, 4(1), 1-9.
  • Basaruddin, T., & Maulidiya, D. (2009). Kinerja Skema Pemberian Tanda Air Video Dijital Berbasis Dwt-svd Dengan Detektor Semi-blind. MAKARA Journal of Technology Series, 13(1).
  • Liliana, D. Y., & Basaruddin, T. (2010). Deteksi pemalsuan citra berbasis dekomposisi nilai singulir. Makara Journal of Science.
  • Mulyono, S., Isa, S. M., Fanany, M. I., Jatmiko, W., & Basaruddin, T. (2010). Principal Component Regression Analysis on Automatic Sleep Apnea Detection from ECG Data.
  • Agustien, I., Widyanto, M. R., Endah, S. N., & Basaruddin, T. (2010). Particle Filter with Binary Gaussian Weighting and Support Vector Machine for Human Pose Interpretation. Makara Journal of Technology, 14(1), 6.
  • Mardiko, R., & Basaruddin, T. (2009). Watermarking pada Video: Robustness, Impercetibility dan Pendekatan untuk Domain Terkompresi. Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia.
  • Moeliodihardjo, B. Y., Moeliodihardjo, B. Y., Basaruddin, T., Tamin, R. Z., Saifudin, A., & Kuncoro, A. (2008). Higher Education Sector Assessment. World Bank, BAPENAS (National Development Planning Agency, and Ministry of National Education, Jakarta.
  • Glier, O. (2005). Persistent Arrays, Path Problems, and Context-free Languages (Doctoral dissertation, Technische Universität).
  • Kartawidjaja, M. A., Suhartanto, H., & Basaruddin, T. (2004, November). Performance of a parallel technique for solving nonlinear systems arising from ODEs. In 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference TENCON 2004. (Vol. 500, pp. 403-406). IEEE.
  • Kartawidjaja, M. A., Suhartanto, H., & Basaruddin, T. (2004). Performance of parallel iterative solution of linear systems using GMRES. In IPSI-2004 Kopaonik Conference.
  • Bustamam, A., & Suhartanto, H. (2002). Implementasi Perangkat Lunak Svmrk Pada Sistem Paralel Mpi-Linux. Proceedings, Komputer dan Sistem Intelejen (KOMMIT 2002).
  • Bustamam, A., Suhartanto, H., & Basaruddin, T. (2002). Implementasi metode iteratif paralel implisit multistep Runge-Kutta pada sistem paralel MPI-Linux. Proc. Lokakarya Komputasi dalam Sains dan Teknologi NuklirXIII BATAN, 3-4.
  • Santoso, J., van Albada, G. D., Basaruddin, T., & Sloot, P. M. (2002, April). A simulation environment for job scheduling on distributed systems. In International Conference on Computational Science (pp. 653-662). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Murfi, H., & Basaruddin, T. (2001). On the Evaluation of Computational Results Obtained from Solving System of linear Equations With matlab The Dual affine Scalling interior Point; Evaluasi Hasil Uji Coba Komputasi Pemecahan Sistem Persamaan Linear Pada Algoritma Dual-Affine Scaling Interior Point Untuk Pemroraman Linear Dengan Matlab.
  • Basaruddin, T. (2000). Credit transfer and institutional recognition lessons learned: Indonesian case. QUALITY ASSURANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 2000, 2005.
  • Sujatmiko, M., & Basarudin, T. (1997). Parallel Algorithm for Adaptive Numerical Integration; Lokakarya Komputasi dalam Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir VI.
  • Rahman, M. A., & Basarudin, T. (1997). Parallel Quasi Newton Algorithms for Large Scale Non Linear Unconstrained Optimization; Lokakarya Komputasi dalam Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir VI.
  • Andini, S. K., & Basarudin, T. (1997). The Work of Exchange and Least Square Algorithms to Approximating Univariate Functions; Lokakarya Komputasi dalam Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir VI.
  • Juarna, S., & Basarudin, T. (1997). Parallelization of Runge-Kutta Method to Solve Ordinary Differential Equation Problems Resulted from Reduced Parabolic-Linear Equation Problems: Preliminary Report; Lokakarya Komputasi dalam Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir VI.
  • Suryana, I., & Basarudin, T. (1997). Algorithm of Parallelism Across the System for Differential Equations Resulted from Discretization of Nonlinear Parabolic Differential Equations: A Preliminary Report; Lokakarya Komputasi dalam Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir VI.
  • Basaruddin, T. (1995). Implementation of parallel ADI and Hopscotch methods on KSR1 (No. CONF-950212-). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA (United States).
  • Basaruddin, T. (1994). Metoda Beda Hingga. Penerbit PT. Elex Media Komputindo, kerjasama Gramedia dan Pusat Antar Universitas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia.
  • Basaruddin, T. (1990). Numerical Solutions for Parabolic Problems with Convective Terms. The University of Manchester (United Kingdom).
  • Liliana, D. Y., Basaruddin, T., & Widyanto, M. R. Fuzzy Emotion Recognition Using Semantic Facial Features and Knowledge-based Fuzzy. vol, 11, 177-186.
  • Andini, S. K., & Basarudin, T. The Work of Exchange and Least Square Algorithms to Approximating Univariate Functions.
  • Rahman, M. A., & Basarudin, T. Parallel Quasi Newton Algorithms for Large Scale Non Linear Unconstrained Optimization.
  • f HUDA, A., VERITAWATI, I., WASITO, I., & BASARUDDIN, T. Mining Co-occurance Crime Type Patterns for Spatial Crime Data.
  • Dorohonceanu, B., & Nevill-Manning, C. (2000). A Practical Suffix-Tree Implementation for String Searches. Dr. Dobb's Journal: Software Tools for the Professional Programmer, 25(7), 133-137.
  • Sujatmiko, M., & Basarudin, T. Parallel Algorithm for Adaptive Numerical Integration.
  • Papadimitriou, P. (1993). The KSR1: A Numerical Analyst's Perspective. University of Manchester, Department of Mathematics.

Research Interests

Numerical Computation, Modeling and Simulation

Fields of Expertise