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Universitas Indonesia's Student Admissions

Admission for Semester 1 Academic Year 2022/2023

The Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia accepts new students in Semester 1 for the 2022/2023 academic year for all study programs at the bachelor, master and doctoral levels.

COVID-19 updates

Make sure you have read Fasilkom UI’s latest updates regarding COVID-19 regarding various announcements, distance learning, prevention and procedures for reporting COVID-19 cases at Fasilkom UI.

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Faculty-organized events

Mini Workshop – Keterampilan Belajar

8:30 am - 3:30 pmConference Room, 4th Floor (A.409), Gedung Baru, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia, Depok

PSAF (Pengenalan Sistem Akademik Fakultas) Program Magister & Doktor Ilmu Komputer

12:00 am - 11:59 pmConference Room, 4th Floor (A.409), Gedung Baru, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia, Depok


Undergraduate Education

Fasilkom UI organizes undergraduate study programs in computer science and information systems. Specifically for computer science study programs, international classes with dual degrees are available.

Postgraduate Education

For postgraduate level, Fasilkom UI offers three study programs, namely: Master of Information Technology, Master of Computer Science, and Doctor of Computer Science.

Scholarships & Financial Aid

Students who are accepted at Fasilkom UI also have the opportunity to get scholarships from various institutions, both from internal UI and from external sponsors.





Journal Articles


Conf. Articles



Fasilkom UI research activities are supported by seven laboratories, namely Computer Network, Architecture and High performance Computing; Information Retrieval; Reliable Software Engineering; Digital Learning; E-government & E-business; Machine Learning & Computer Vision; and Information Management.

Especially for students and researchers who wish to develop innovations in the field of artificial intelligence and cyber security, Fasilkom UI is facilitated by two industry-based research centers namely Tokopedia-UI Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence and Cyber Security & Cryptography Center.

The results of Fasilkom UI’s research and innovations are not only published in international publications, but also in the faculty’s own journals. Two Fasilkom UI journals have been recognized as barometers of the quality of national research publications in the fields of computer science, information technology and information systems.

Alumni Testimonials

So actually I believe in my college days, actually building character, building mentality, and Fasilkom UI is a very good place for me to have a good character.

Natali Ardianto
Co-founder, (S.Kom '99)

Fasilkom UI is an unforgettable part of my life. It is like a second home to me, where I open my eyes to become a better person day by day.

Aldi Fahrezi
Sofware Engineer, Google (S.Kom '15)

Being surrounded by world class academics, many opportunities were open for me that I believe would not be available elsewhere.

A/Prof. Hanna Kurniawati, Ph.D
Associate Professor, The Australian National University (S.Kom '98)

Video Profile

Fasilkom UI is the oldest computer science education and research center in Indonesia. Watch this profile video presentation to find out why Fasilkom UI is known as one of the best educational institutions in the world in the field of computer science and information systems.

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