Program Studi

Master of Computer Science

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Computer Science Masters Study Program

Master of Science study program Computers (MIK) opened in 1988 was designed to produce graduates with research insights in computer science as a continuation of the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. Lectures for the MIK study program are held in the morning and afternoon at the Fasilkom UI Depok campus. The MIK study program emphasizes the integration between postgraduate education and research activities. Students are expected to be actively involved in research at the UI Faculty of Computer Science. The MIK study program curriculum is structured in such a way that students get the opportunity to gain extensive knowledge and research experience in the field of Computer Science. Choices of courses are provided so that students can arrange their educational programs according to their research interests.


Accreditation status

The accreditation status of the MIK Fasilkom UI study program according to the Informatics and Computer Independent Accreditation Institute (LAM INFOKOM) through Decree (SK) 132/SK/LAM-INFOKOM/Ak/M/XII/2022 is SUPERIOR. This accreditation status is valid until 18 December 2027.

Vision and Mission of Study Program

Vision of Computer Science Masters Study Program
Becoming a study program that produces graduates who are capable of conducting research in the field of computer science as a basis for conducting education and producing international standard information technology.

Mission of the Master of Computer Science Study Program.

  1. Producing and retaining master graduates in computer science who have a strong scientific foundation.
  2. Develop knowledge in computer science and information technology relevant to national and global needs through research and education in academic activities.
  3. Participate in increasing the nation’s competitiveness through research and education in the field of computer science while still being based on morals, ethics, and character

Length of Study

The MIK UI study program is designed to be completed within 3-4 semesters. Lecture activities are held at the Fasilkom UI campus, Depok. Classes are held in the morning/afternoon Monday-Friday.

Click the following “Student Journey” button to listen to the expected milestones during the study period.

Requirements that must be met by prospective students to register for the MIK program:

  1. Bachelor’s degree (S-1) with scientific background: Computer Science, Informatics, Information Systems, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or other computational sciences.
  2. Minimum GPA value of 3 on a scale of 4.
  3. Pass the Screening Examination at the university level (SIMAK UI).
  4. Candidates include the following documents:       
  5. Recommendation letter from the academic advisor/final assignment supervisor in the Bachelor program or Supervisor at the institution where you are currently working (minimum one letter of recommendation);
  6. Statement of purpose containing the background of taking the MIK Fasilkom UI program;

Placement Exam

After being accepted into the MIK program, each new student must take a Placement Test which evaluates the student’s ability and knowledge in basic materials in the field of Computer Science. Based on the results of this exam, a new student will be placed in one of two areas of interest in the MIK program, namely Computer Science or Information Systems.

Important Dates

The following is the schedule for implementing SIMAK UI registration.

SIMAK Gasal Batch 1:

17 February – 8 March 2023 (Registration)

March 12, 2023 (Exam)

April 11, 2023 (Announcement)


SIMAK Gasal Batch 2:

19 May – 26 June 2023 (Registration)

July 2, 2023 (Exam – Online method)

25 July 2023 (Announcement)



September – October 2023 (Registration)

November 2023 (Examination)

December 2023 (Announcement)

Note: a field exam will be held (towards the start of Semester 1) to recommend areas of interest that can be taken.


The curriculum for the Master of Computer Science Study Program (MIK PS) is designed and structured in such a way that students get the opportunity to gain broad knowledge and experience conducting research in the fields of information and communication technology (ICT) such as computer science, information systems, software engineering. , and others. The following is a recommended study plan for the 2020 curriculum, completed in four semesters.

The preparation (proposal) and writing of the thesis are carried out under the guidance of at least 1 (one) supervisor, and in the end will be tested orally by an examining committee consisting of at least 3 (three) examiners in addition to the thesis supervisor.

Distribution of Current MIK Curriculum Courses (2018 Curriculum)

Semester 1

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSCM801091 Metodologi Penelitian 4
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 1 3
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 2 3

Semester 2

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 3 4
CSCM801092 Studi Mandiri 2
CSGE802097 Publikasi Ilmiah 2
Mata Kuliah Pilihan Lanjut 1 4

Semester 3

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
Mata Kuliah Pilihan Lanjut 2 4
Mata Kuliah Pilihan Lanjut 3 4
CSGE802098 Proposal Tesis 2

Semester 4

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSCM802099 Tesis 8


Distribution of MIK New Curriculum Subjects (Based on PR UI No. 5 of 2021)

Semester 1

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSGE801091 Metodologi Penelitian dan Penulisan Ilmiah 4
MK Wajib 1 Bidang Minat 4
MK Wajib 2 Bidang Minat 4

Semester 2

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
MK Wajib 3 Bidang Minat 4
MK Pilihan 1 Bidang Minat 4
CSGE801092 Studi Mandiri 2

Semester 3

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
MK Pilihan 2 Bidang Minat 4
MK Pilihan Bebas 4
CSGE802097 Publikasi Ilmiah 2
CSGE802098 Proposal Tesis 2

Semester 4

Kode Mata kuliah SKS
CSCM802099 Tesis 6



Areas of interest in the Master of Computer Science study program include:

Computer Science

Information Systems

Research Laboratory

The implementation of the MIK study program cannot be separated from the intensive research activities that take place at the UI Faculty of Computer Science. The ongoing research activities are carried out by seven research labs, namely:

Prospective Lecturer for Master of Computer Science Program

Supervisors in the Computer Science Masters Program must be one of the permanent teaching staff with doctoral education. Prospective supervisors can be seen on the Supervisor List page.

Double Degree Program Registration Mechanism

Prospective students register online for SIMAK UI (UI Entrance Selection) and choose the Fasilkom UI Masters program to be pursued (S2-MIK). Complete guidelines regarding registration and admissions schedules for new students are available on the UI admissions website. The selection process consists of: Administrative selection, Academic Potential Test, English Language Test.

After being accepted and passing selection in the Fasilkom UI Masters program, students can submit to the Head of the Study Program for plans for a Masters-Double Degree program to a partner university. Registration for partner universities is carried out online according to the information and guidelines on the partner university’s website with GPA requirements and English in accordance with the standards of each partner.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Postgraduate programs offered by the UI Faculty of Computer Science?

  • There are three Postgraduate study programs offered by the UI Faculty of Computer Science, namely two study programs at the Masters level and one study program at the Doctoral level.
  • Information Technology Masters Program (MTI)
  • Computer Science Masters Program (MIK)
  • Computer Science Doctoral Program (DIK)

What are the acceptance/selection pathways for entering the Postgraduate program?

  • The UI Graduate School of Computer Science Program only accepts students through the UI Entrance Selection (SIMAK UI).

When is the usual admission period for postgraduate programs?

  • Acceptance of students in the Postgraduate program is carried out in each semester. Registration for the Postgraduate level is open three times in 1 academic year, namely:
Odd Semester
  • Batch 1 registration February – March
  • Batch 2 registration May – June
  • Registration is done online, via
Even semester

What is the difference between Master of Computer Science (MIK) and Master of Information Technology (MTI) programs?

The Computer Science Masters Program (MIK) focuses on scientific development in the field of Computer Science which also includes Information Technology, Software Engineering, and Information Systems. This program is very research-oriented, and every MIK student will be involved in research through a thesis project and is affiliated with one of the research labs at Fasilkom UI (info about research labs can be seen in the Research Menu on the website

The Information Technology Masters Program (MTI) is oriented towards the Information Technology expert profession, and equips students with both theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the latest developments in the field of Information Technology. The majority of teaching staff have very rich IT industry experience. The educational focus lies on developing managerial skills and capabilities in the IT field, and is highly supportive of careers in the information and communication technology industry.

What is the acceptance capacity of each Fasilkom UI Postgraduate Program?

Information on the capacity of each Postgraduate program can be seen at the following link

Where is the study located?

Lectures for the Master of Computer Science (MIK) study program are held in Depok and the Master of Information Technology (MTI) study program in Salemba.

Is executive class/Saturday-Sunday class offered?

There isn’t any.

What are the careers of Postgraduate Fasilkom UI graduates?

Graduates of the Master of Computer Science (MIK) study program have the ability and knowledge to carry out scientific development in the ICT field through academic activities such as research and education. Most MIK UI graduates become lecturers and researchers at institutions/universities. In addition, by taking the MIK program, it means that research capabilities and track records have begun to be developed, and this opens up opportunities to continue doctoral studies (S3) at various leading institutions around the world.

Graduates of the Master of Information Technology (MTI) study program are expected to have the ability and knowledge in the field of IT, to build a career as a manager or CIO (Chief Information Officer) in an organization or company that will make extensive use of IT. Some of the fields that become jobs for MTI UI graduates include: IT/IS auditors, IT Managers, CIOs for both private and government, Software Engineers, IT/IS consultants, etc.


Can the tuition fees for the Fasilkom UI Postgraduate program be paid in installments?

Yes, it can be paid in installments by providing a statement and letter of request for installments to the Faculty Leadership.

How long is the study period for the Postgraduate Masters program in Computer Science?

Normally, the length of study for the Masters level is 4 semesters. The study period can be shorter/longer depending on achievements and the number of credits taken each semester.

Does the Fasilkom UI Postgraduate program accept transfer students from other universities?

No, every student must pass through the entry route that has been determined by the University of Indonesia (SIMAK UI). Students who have studied at other tertiary institutions can make a credit transfer, the amount of which will be determined by a committee formed by the UI Faculty of Computer Science.

Has the Fasilkom UI Postgraduate program been accredited?

  • Yes, the Master of Computer Science (MIK) study program has been accredited Superior by LAM INFOKOM.

Kontak Fasilkom UI

Hubungan Masyarakat

Gedung A, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universias Indonesia, Depok, 
Jawa Barat

+62 21 786 3419

Senin – Jum’at 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Education center
Campus Life
Alumni Network

Why Choose Fasilkom UI?

In this digital era, the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) offers global quality education in computer science and information systems. Watch the video below about how you can change the future of the world at Fasilkom UI.

Learning, Socializing, and Organizing

Not only as a center for computer science and information systems education, the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia is also known for having a dynamic campus life. Watch the video on the campus life of Fasilkom UI students on the side.

Fasilkom UI Alumni Testimonials

The Fasilkom UI alumni network reaches not only regions in Indonesia, but also abroad. Fasilkom UI alumni work in various national and multinational companies, government agencies, and set up their own businesses or startups. Check out some of the testimonials from Fasilkom UI alumni in the video on the side.

Graduate Profile

Graduates of UI’s Computer Science Faculty are accepted in business and industry circles as high-quality experts in computer science and information technology. According to surveys conducted regularly, most Fasilkom UI graduates work at home and abroad in various national and multinational companies engaged in information technology consulting, banking, software industry and other services. Others work in government institutions/universities, or continue their education to a higher level at home and abroad. In addition, several graduates are directly involved in building startup companies to meet market needs in the field of information technology through innovative products and services.

Admission for new students for the 2023/2024 school year has been opened. Information on admissions pathways and admissions schedules, as well as online registration for prospective new students in full can be accessed via the following links.