

Logistics and operational research experts from Universitas Indonesia’s Faculty of Computer Science and Lancaster University Management School (LUMS) will help Indonesian disaster preparedness and response organisations improve their decision-making capabilities on how to prepare for natural disasters. The Lancaster team will present their work alongside computer scientists from the University of Indonesia at the Effective...
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The Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) held an online Postgraduate Open House (OH Postgraduate) event on October 31 2022. The webinar was attended by hundreds of participants who enthusiastically asked various kinds of questions about masters and doctoral programs via the Zoom application. Besides being able to get to know Fasilkom...
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The international symposium “JAIST-UI-ITB Human Information Science Hub: Toward Multimodal Human-AI Communication in Society 5.0” was held on January 23, 2023. This symposium aims to form a science hub – a full-fledged collaborative research between researchers and academia Japan Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (JAIST, Japan), University of Indonesia (UI, Indonesia) and Bandung Institute...
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The Association of Family Women (IWK) Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) University of Indonesia (UI) in collaboration with the Universitas Indonesia Hospital (RSUI) held a seminar and medical examination entitled Realize and Recognize: Early Detection of Breast Cancer on Thursday, December 22 2022 at the Auditorium The old B Building, UI Campus, Depok. Chairperson of...
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The Independent Accreditation Institute for Informatics and Computers (LAM INFOKOM) awarded a Excellent Accreditation rating for Doctor of Computer Science (DIK) and Master of Computer Science (MIK) study programs, Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) University of Indonesia (UI) through a Decree (SK) 006/SK/LAM-INFOKOM/Ak/D/XII/2022 and also 132/SK/LAM-INFOKOM/Ak/M/XII/2022.  As of March 15 2022, LAM INFOKOM has held...
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Students from the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) successfully won the Ria Statistics event and Data Science Festival (Satria Data) in 2022 for the Big Data Challenge division organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture cq the National Achievement Center in Yogyakarta on 7-8 December 2022.  The Fasilkom UI...
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The Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) received two school visits namely, Al-Azhar 1 Islamic High School Jakarta and SMAN 1 Pariaman, West Sumatra. Nearly 100 students and a total of nine accompanying teachers from the two schools were welcomed by Fasilkom UI management at the Depok campus, West Java.  Principal of...
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Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) cooperation agreement with PT Grab Technology Indonesia (Grab Indonesia) in the field of digitization, renewal of arrangement of canteen facilities. The signing of the collaboration agreement for digitizing the Grab Indonesia canteen and Fasilkom UI took place at the Indro Suwandi Auditorium, 2nd Floor Fasilkom UI...
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University of Indonesia (UI) Computer Science Faculty (Fasilkom) team’s has successfully swept the title in the 2022 Asia Regional Jakarta International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) competition as the Best National Team. This was proven by the Fasilkom UI team consisting of 1), 2) Bingung Weh, 3) Kotlin Enjoyers who won first, second, and third...
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The University of Indonesia (UI) contingent, which was dominated by students from the Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) UI, successfully won two gold, three silver and two bronze in the XV National Student Exhibition in the Field of Information and Communication Technology (GEMASTIK) held by the National Achievement Center, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and...
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