The University of Indonesia (UI) contingent, which was dominated by students from the Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) UI, successfully won two gold, three silver and two bronze in the XV National Student Exhibition in the Field of Information and Communication Technology (GEMASTIK) held by the National Achievement Center, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) RI. This year GEMASTIK was held for the 15th time with the theme “ICT for Indonesia to Recover Quickly Rise Stronger” which was held at Brawijaya University, Malang as the host of this year’s GEMASTIK.
Several teams from the UI contingent succeeded in winning medals in 5 of the 11 competition divisions and became finalists in the other 8 competition divisions. Competition divisions that were successfully won include, Cyber Security, Programming, Data Mining, User Experience Design (UX Design), and Smart Devices, Embedded Systems & IoT.
Dean of Fasilkom UI, Dr. Ir. Petrus Mursanto, M.Sc., greatly appreciated this achievement. According to him, the collaboration and cooperation that exists between students and supervisors has resulted in various works and innovations being born to support the acceleration of recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic. “Congratulations for the achievements of our students at GEMASTIK XV, thank you to the supervisors and assistants, hopefully next year will be even better,” said Dean Mursanto.
In this championship, UI succeeded in occupying five of the 11 branch divisions that were contested, both in the format of a competition and a work competition. The 11 divisions of the competition are Programming, Cyber Security, Data Mining, UX Design, Animation, Smart City, ICT Scientific Writing ( ICT Scientific Paper), Software Development, Smart Devices, Embedded Systems & IoT (Smart Device, Embedded System & IoT), Game Development, and ICT Business Development.
The Fasilkom UI team successfully won 1st place in the Cyber Security and Programming branch. As well as 2nd place in the category of data mining and UX Design branches, and 3rd place in the Smart Device, Embedded System & IoT branch. Meanwhile, for the other 8 branch divisions, the UI contingent received 9 teams that entered as finalists in the 15th GEMASTIK event.
Following are the names of the team, members and supervisors of the UI contingent who won medals at the 2022 GEMASTIK XV:
Cyber Security Competition Branch
1st place: 2 tier 1 dicarry
Supervisor: Mr. Amril Syalim, S.Kom., M.Eng., Ph.D.
- Prajna (IK ’19)
- Gregorius Bhisma (IK ’20)
- Muhammad Faishol Amirul Mukminin (IK ’19)
Programming Competition Branch
1st place: Pick a team name For Me
Advisor : Mr. Denny, S.Kom., M.I.T., Ph.D.
- Pikatan Arya Bramajati (IK ’21)
- Abdul Rafi (IK ’21)
- Fernando Nathaniel Sutanto (IK ’21)
2nd Place: sqrt9GAG
Advisor : Mr. Denny, S.Kom., M.I.T., Ph.D.
- Mahartha Gemilang (IK ’22)
- Muflih Naufal Maxi (IK ’21)
- Arvin (IK ’22)
Data Mining Competition Branch
2nd place: good luck
Advisor : Dr. Eng. Laksmita Rahadianti, S.Kom., M.Sc.
- Harakan Akbar (SI ’19)
- Mardianto (IK ’19)
- Daniel Syahputra Purba (SI ’19)
UX Design Competition Branch
2nd Place: The Most UX
Advisor : Mr. Harry Budi Santoso, S.Kom., M.Kom., Ph.D.
- Hafiz Bhadrika Alamsyah (SI ’19)
- Rayhan Maulana Akbar (SI ’19)
- Muhammad Raihan Andriqa (SI ’19)
Embedded System & IoT Competition Branch
3rd Place: Sensamakara
Advisor : Ari Wibisono, S.Kom., M.Kom
- Muhammad Haitsam Sidqy (TB ’20)
- Ketut Ivan Sridana (TK ’20)
- Juan Dharmananda Khusuma (IK ’22)
Data Mining Competition Branch
3rd Place: Three Neurons
Advisor : Dr. Eng. Laksmita Rahadianti, S.Kom., M.Sc.
- Made Swastika Nata Negara (IK ’21)
- Bryan Tjandra (IK ’21)
- Nyoo Steven Christopher (IK ’21)
Data Mining Branch Finalist Team
Advisor : Dr. Eng. Laksmita Rahadianti, S.Kom., M.Sc.
- Rio Fernando Alexander (Ilmu Administrasi ’22)
- Machffud Tra Harana Vova (IK ’19)
- Darren Ngoh (IK ’19)
UX Design Branch Finalist Team
Tim : with Allah’s permission and the blessing of mama papa
Advisor : Mr. Harry Budi Santoso, S.Kom., M.Kom., Ph.D.
- Faatihah Tharra Sabbih (SI ’19)
- Mayfa Shadrina Siddi (SI ’21)
- Melati Eka Putri (SI ’20)
Data Mining Branch Finalist Team
Team: GEA
Advisor : Mr. Alfan Farizki Wicaksono, S.Kom., M.Sc., Ph.D.
- Eryawan Presma Yulianrifat (IK ’22)
- Belati Jagad Bintang Syuhada (IK ’22)
- Ghana Ahmada Yudistira (SI ’22)
ICT Business Development Branch Finalist Team
Team: JanjiGaKalah
Advisor : Yekti Wirani, S.Kom.,M.Kom.
- Nafis Azizi Riza (IK ’21)
- Helga Syahda Elmira (SI ’20)
- Achmad Fikri Adidharma (IK ’19)
Programming Branch Finalist Team
Team: Chief Alif can turn on the camera
Advisor : Denny, S.Kom., M.I.T., Ph.D.
- Dewangga Putra Sheradhien (IK ’19)
- Muhammad Alif Saddid (IK ’19)
Smart City Finalist Team
Advisor : Betty Purwandari, S.Kom., M.Sc., Ph.D.
- Farah Husna Nabilah (SI ’19)
- Tsanaa Patricia Khonsaa (SI ’19)
- Ferika Hafshah Zahira (SI ’19)
Software Development Finalist Team
Team: San-A Tech
Advisor: Betty Purwandari, S.Kom., M.Sc., Ph.D.
- Aynun Nissa Setiawan (SI ’19)
- Alfina Megasiwi (IK ’19)
- Annisa Devi Nurmalasari (IK ’21)
Cybersecurity Finalist Team
Team: You Are Not CBFadal
Supervisor : Amril Syalim, S.Kom., M.Eng., Ph.D.
- Mohammad Ferry Husnil Arif (IK ’21)
- Aushaaf Fadhilah Azzah (IK ’21)
- Rahfi Alyendra Gibran (IK ’21)
This series of competitions has been going on since October 2022. The event consists of college/team registration, pre-competition, uploading proposals/online allowances, preliminary judging period, announcement of the list of finalists, and the final round and highlight of the event. Last Thursday (24/11/2022), this event ended with a closing ceremony, announcement of winners, and awarding of prizes which were held at Brawijaya University Malang as the host for GEMASTIK XV. This activity aims to improve the competency of Indonesian students so that they are able to act as agents of change in advancing ICT and its use. In addition, this program is expected to be a supporting tool for the creation of innovations in the field of technology, especially ICT that have an impact on the wider community.
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