To help achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) nomor sembilan number nine regarding industry, innovation and infrastructure, the Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) University of Indonesia (UI) as one of the faculties at UI supports UI’s strategic goals and internationalization on the international stage through the University of Indonesia Credit Earning program Program for Students (UI-CREATES). The UI-CREATES program is a distance education with the scope of credited courses in English organized by faculties at UI with academic, language, cultural, interaction between students, as well as virtual visits with related companies or institutions online. The aim of the UI-CREATES program is to increase the number of foreign students in a study program and to increase capacity in developing English short program courses. The UI-CREATES program running at Fasilkom UI has the theme ‘Introduction to Blockchain Technology’. This program is equivalent to 28 hours of lectures and learning activities, students who successfully participate will receive 2 credits from UI.
Fasilkom UI Education and Research Collaboration Manager, Dr. Eng. Laksmita Rahadianti, M.Sc., as the PIC of the UI-CREATES activity at Fasilkom said that program participants were students from foreign partner universities who had established close relations and collaboration with Fasilkom UI namely, students from the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Malaya , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As many as 60 students have officially registered as exchange students in this program. He also said that the program would begin with pre-reading activities on September 5, 2022 to familiarize prospective students with the UI-CREATES program.
The activity continued with lectures on various topics as of October 10, 2022 delivered by experts in the field of cryptography and cybersecurity at Fasilkom UI namely, Mr. M. Hafizhuddin Hilman, Ph.D; Mr. Bayu Anggorojati, Ph.D; Mr. Amril Shalim, Ph.D; and Mr. Setiadi Yazid, Ph.D. Learning activities are carried out synchronously or asynchronously online through Fasilkom UI’s Student Center eLearning (SCeLE) system. The program then continues with learning assessment and evaluation activities through online quizzes and projects. This activity was also carried out in synergy with the UI CREATES >< A-B-I Goes to Campus program in collaboration with the Indonesian Blockchain Association (A-B-I). This program is a series of guest lectures from blockchain practitioners in Indonesia. This is expected to complement students’ understanding of practical matters in the industry.
Dean of Fasilkom UI, Dr. Ir. Petrus Mursanto, M.Sc. stressed that the UI-CREATES program does not only involve academic activities, but also cultural activities for students. “Exchange days have been held twice, namely between the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Malaya and Fasilkom UI on 29 October and 5 November 2022. The aim is to increase collaboration and partnership as cultural exchange and networking. This is a development of a similar activity last year and is planned to continue in the coming years with an increasingly diverse variety of programs,” concluded Dean Mursanto.