Growing Enthusiasm for Learning in Higher Education, Fasilkom UI Receives Visits from Al-Azhar 1 Islamic High School and Pariaman 1 Public High School

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia > Berita > Growing Enthusiasm for Learning in Higher Education, Fasilkom UI Receives Visits from Al-Azhar 1 Islamic High School and Pariaman 1 Public High School

The Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) received two school visits namely, Al-Azhar 1 Islamic High School Jakarta and SMAN 1 Pariaman, West Sumatra. Nearly 100 students and a total of nine accompanying teachers from the two schools were welcomed by Fasilkom UI management at the Depok campus, West Java. 

Principal of Al-Azhar 1 Islamic High School Jakarta, Drs. Bahron Fathin, MA conveyed that the visit was to get to know Fasilkom UI more closely so that later the students would be able to prepare themselves to continue their education, especially at Fasilkom UI. This was also emphasized by the Principal of SMAN 1 Pariaman namely, Dra. Elfi Junaida, M.Sc. in order to increase the ability and knowledge of students through one of the SMAN 1 Pariaman programs, namely going to school or campus visits which aim to motivate students to study at Fasilkom UI.  

Kunjungan SMA Islam Al-Azhar 1  Kebayoran ke Fasilkom UI, Kampus Depok

The event was also continued with a faculty introduction session which was guided by a management representative namely, Dr. Putu Wuri Handayani and Dr. Panca Hadi Putra, who incidentally is a Fasilkom UI lecturer. The enthusiasm of the students from the two schools was also evident with a number of questions regarding the level of graduates and the prospects for the skills they would gain while studying at Fasilkom UI. Dr. Putu explained about the study programs at Fasilkom UI, while Dr. Panca emphasizes the importance of character building in order to be ready to continue on to college. 

Kunjungan SMAN 1 Pariaman, Sumatra Barat ke Fasilkom UI, Kampus Depok

Both of them also explained to the students of each school that Fasilkom UI has a myriad of achievements as well as prospects for expertise that are sustainable for today’s era, namely, the industrial revolution 4.0 where the role of information and communication technology is indispensable in order to be able to make a real contribution. both academically and higher education of tri dharma.