Muhammad Ayaz Dzulfikar, a student of Fasilkom UI year 2015 has successfully achieved a champion title in the Programming Contest in Arkavidia 4 competition that was held in ITB. In this final round of Programming Contest Arkavidia 4, the participants were required to note program code in Pascal language program, C, C++ and Java. Ayaz’s key of success is speed and accuracy to be the best in the competition.
A man who was born in Bontang, 28 August 1997, his accomplishment in Arkavidia 4 competition was the first one, he obtained individually. Beforehand, Ayaz was involved in several competitions in group. Ayaz was selected to team up in Fasilkom UI in world-wide level competitions such as: ACM-ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) 2017 in South Dakota, USA.
Apart from it, during his study period in the Fasilkom UI, Ayaz also actively joined in a number of competitions in programming in Singapore, Myanmar, and Thailand. The accomplishments achieved by Ayaz, he admitted, was to have accuracy capability and qualified skill. The abilities obtained by the Bontang YPVDP highschool graduate were from his persistency and self-train in every opportunity. Ayaz has a message to his fellow students who desire to participate in competitions to do more practices and never give up in facing challenges.