International Conference on Information Technology: ICACSIS 2016

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia > Announcement > International Conference on Information Technology: ICACSIS 2016


The 8th International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) 2016 will take place on October, 15-16 2016 at Gedung Widyaloka Universitas Brawijaya (Malang, Jawa Timur). ICACSIS 2016 is an international forum which presents researchers, professionals, scholars, and experts in computer science and information system, coming from home and abroad.

The papers which are accepted in ICACSIS 2016 will be indexed by SCOPUS as previous ICACSIS and supported by Asosiasi Profesional Tingkat Internasional dan Pengembangan Teknologi known as IEEE. ICACSIS 2016 becomes the platform for participants to share knowledge, experiences, innovation, and the latest information development on methodology, theory, application in the aspects of system engineering, human machine interaction, interface, and other beneficial applications. Some countries participating and attending in ICACSIS 2016 are Indonesia, Denmark, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Germany, Singapore, and Netherlands.

The opening ceremony of ICACSIS 2016 will be officially held on Saturday, October 15 2016 at 9 a.m. by Mirna Adriani Ph.D. (The dean of FASILKOM UI) and Dana Indra Sensuse, Ph.D. (General Chief of ICACSIS 201^). ICACSIS 2016 also presents keynote speakers, inter alia, Prof. Ramjee Prasad (Aalborg University, Denmark), Prof. Jim Foster (Keio University, Japan), dan Dr. Huang, Ye-Nun (Academia Sinica, Taiwan).

The papers which are submitted this year are 197 papers in total from several countries. After passing the stages of selection and strict review by ICACSIS committee, there are 99 papers selected to be presented in the series of ICACSIS 2016. The topics which will be discussed in this conference are related to the aspects of Computer Architecture, Computer Networks, and High Performance Computing, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Information Retrieval, Computer Networks, Online & Distance Learning, Digital Library, Software Engineering, Information Management, E-Government, dan E-Business.

This event is split into two main events, which are Plenary Speech and Parallel Sessions. ICACSIS 2016 is supported by Research and Public Service Directorate Universitas Indonesia (DRPM) and Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Brawijaya as the co-host of ICACSIS 2016, as well as IEEE Indonesia Section and APTIKOM as the technical support of ICACSIS 2016.


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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia

Advance Program ICACSIS 2016