Seminar: Managing Supply Chain with B2B Electronic Commerce Adoption (31 Mei 2018)

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Tanggal : Kamis, 31 Mei 2018
Waktu : 13.00 – 15.00 WIB
Tempat : Ruang 2604 Gedung B lantai 6, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer UI Depok
Topik : Managing Supply Chain with B2B Electronic Commerce Adoption: Challenges and Research Opportunities
Pembicara : Sherah Kurnia, BComp(Hons), GCUT, PhD (University of Melbourne, Australia)

Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce (B2B EC) technologies can help organisations manage supply chain processes and improve the overall business performance. However, since B2B EC technologies are considered inter-organizational information systems (IOIS) that transcend organizational boundaries, their adoption has been complex and challenging as observed in various developed and developing  countries. Understanding adoption of B2B EC as an example of IOIS is still hindered by limited theory and research approach that can fully  capture the complex inter-organizational interactions involved in the  course of adoption. Various research efforts in enhancing the current  understanding of B2B EC adoption will be discussed in my presentation.

Sherah Kurnia, BComp(Hons), GCUT, Ph.D  is Associate Professor at the  School of Computing and Information Systems, Melbourne School of  Engineering, the University of Melbourne, Australia. Her teaching and  research areas include electronic commerce, inter-organisational  systems, supply chain management, sustainability, strategic IT  decision making and enterprise architecture. She has published over  140 refereed articles, obtained six best paper awards at leading IS  conferences and published in Information and Management Journal,  Journal of Business Research, Journal of Strategic Information Systems  and Communications of the Association for Information Systems. She is  currently an Associate Editor for Information and Management journal.

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