Fasilkom UI Doctoral Promotion – Dr. Edit Prima

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The Faculty of Computer Science of Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) held a Doctoral Promotion Trial of Computer Science to Mr. Edit Prima on Friday, January 8th 2016. The promotion trial that was led by Mirna Adriani, Ph.D (The Dean of Fasilkom UI) brought a thesis that is titled The Framework of Public Key Infrastucture based on Trust Model Bride-Hierarchy in the Indonesian Electronic Government System.

In the research, the researcher conducted a development on the Framework of government Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) in the government, especially in Indonesia by examining the policy of information security. The steps that were performed are: (1) Development of theoretical framework of government PKI and PKI trust model as well as the policy of e-government; (2) Evaluation with the approach of study cases; (3) Validation of e-GovAMAN using expert judgment along with quantitative approach using analytical hierarchy process technique and qualitative approach with in-depth interview technique. The result of this research showed that eGovAMAN can be accepted as the framework of PKI for Indonesia with the need of anticipating the potency interoperability complexity, which became the weakness of the trust model Bridge.

The promotion trial was held in the Fasilkom UI Depok Assembly Hall along with its dissertation supervisor or promoter Professor Zainal A. Hasibuan, Ph.D and Co-Promoter Yudho Giri Sucahyo, Ph.D. The examiners that were brought into the trial are: Prof. Dr. Moedjiono, Dr. Rudi Lumanto, Setiadi Yazid, Ph.D., Dr. Indra Budi, Dr. A. Nizar Hidayanto, and Harry Budi Santoso, Ph.D. The researcher managed to present his thesis with the result of Highly Satisfactory. As the 49th graduate of the Fasilkom UI Doctoral Progam, the title of Doctor of Computer Science was given to Dr. Edit Prima.