This year, Ikatan Wanita Keluarga Universitas Indonesia (IWK UI) and IWK Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) UI provided aids to the children of Fasilkom UI’s employees in a form of scholarships for elementary, middle school, and high school or vocational school students. The scholarship awarding ceremony of IWK UI was held on August 21, 2015 in the auditorium of Building IX FIB UI, while the scholarship given by IWK Fasilkom UI was on August 31, 2015 at the auditorium of Fasilkom UI.
Earlier, the selection of IWK scholarship candidates’ files had been preceded from August 3 to August 19, 2015. There were 42 files in total received (elementary, middle school, and high school / vocational school) from 27 employees of Fasilkom UI. Then, the best 17 files (elementary, middle and high school / vocational) of the 17 employees were sent to IWK UI as eligible recipients of IWK UI scholarship, while the other 25 files were eligible to receive the scholarship from IWK Fasilkom UI.
This award is expected to motivate and encourage the children to continue learning to excel.