Fasilkom UI Doctorate Promotion 2015 – Dr. Ambar Yoganingrum

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For a Computer Science doctorate confernment to Ambar Yoganingrum, Fasilkom UI held a doctoral promotion on Monday, April 6th, 2015/ The event was held in Building A, Fasilkom UI, with the dissertation titled “Taksonomi Enterprise Architecture untuk Pengembangan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah: Bisnis, Palayanan Informasi dan TIK” (Enterprise Architecture Taxonomy for the Development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises: Business, Information Services, and ICT).

The research aims to develop the taxonomy of Enterprise Architecture (EA) to align the business activities of SMEs and the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services provided. EA is an instrument to design and develop a system that aligns business and ICT. The research takes 5 stages: (1) Identification of the building blocks of the EAF using the technique of co-occurrence, hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) and Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS). (2) Identification of the components and attributes using the phenomenological method. (3) Identification of the inter-elements needs. (4) Identification of the relationship between the elements and the requirement of the elements using the method of phenomenology. (5) The validation and weighting of of the attributes using mean and Shannon entropy methods and the validation of the model proposed with a group pf stakeholders. In this research there are three proposed elements, which are business, information services, and ICT.

This session was led by Mirna Adriani, Ph.D. while Prof. Dr. Aniati Murni Arymurthy and Dana Indra Sensuse, Ph.D. were the acting promoter and co-promoter respectively. The examiner team was consisted of Prof. Dr. Engkos Koswara N., Betty Purwandari, Ph.D., Dr. Ade Azurat, Dr. A. Nizar Hidayanto, and Dr. Indra Budi. The dissertation was presented well and got a highly distinctive result. The 39th doctorate in Computer Science from Fasilkom UI was then conferred to Dr. Ambar Yoganingrum.