UI Fasilkom students: Design Application – Siaga Banjir

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia > Achievements > UI Fasilkom students: Design Application – Siaga Banjir


As the intensity of rain is increasing in Jakarta for the past few days, flood becomes unavoidable. According to BPBD DKI Jakarta, there were more than 250 thousand people being evacuated and more than 1 million people were affected by flood during January-February 2014.

Siaga Banjir gives an integrated service to assist Jakarta residents in facing the upcoming flood threat. There are 3 main features:

Jakarta Flood Location Maphttps://siagabanjir.org/peta

Siaga Banjir collects flood reports from Twitter and maps them into Google Maps. Users can search for flooded area using the search box. Residents can contribute information by:

  • Posting tweets containing #siagabanjir and mention the name of the flooded area
  • Posting information containing the word ‘flood’ from Path and link it to Twitter

The Siaga Banjir system will detect it, and in a few moments the information will appear on the map. The system will also map flood reports from informative accounts like @TMCPoldaMetro, @lewatmana, and @RadioElshinta. The flood map excellence is the web interaction, such as upvote for the most helpful flood information and report as fake feature to spot the invalid information. When the flood struck Jakarta on February 9, 2015, Siaga Banjir collected more than 4200 reports from all over Jakarta through Twitter and Path posts. Judging from the amount of the collected data, Siaga Banjir team believes that technology and social media – although do not straightly prevent flood – can be useful for information sharing during flood strikes, thus lowering the residents’ potential loss.

Database of flood relief centers

Not only flood reports, Siaga Banjir will also map the available flood relief center in Jakarta. The information includes the quota of each center, the necessary aids, and the center’s contact person. This is to ease the aid distribution in all over Jakarta. To keep off the fake relief centers, the system will only show the location of verified centers. Application to be Siaga Banjir media partner will be free. Currently, Siaga Banjir is affiliating with BPBD DKI Jakarta and Disaster Management Center Dompet Dhuafa.

Location-based flood notifications:

To aid users with high-mobility users, Siaga Banjir provides location-based flood notifications. Users should input their preferred location and choose the time range for notifications (per 1/3/6/12 hours). If flood strikes within a radius of 2,5 km from the preferred locations, users will receive an email notification.

About Siaga Banjir

Siaga Banjir is an effort to collaborate resident participations in facing the annual flood threat in Jakarta. For the last 8 months, Siaga Banjir has gotten 4 national awards and 2 international awards, including the Overall Winner of Hackathon Startup Asia in Jakarta 2014 (News here) and Grand Prize Winner of Code for Resilience in London, UK (News here).

The development team consists of the students from the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia: Fauzan Helmi Sudaryanto, Riska Fadilla, Rasmunandar Rustam, Taufan Satrio, Caraka Nur Azmi, and Enreina Annisa Rizkiasri.

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